Content and Benefits Bengkoang For Health

Bengkoang or Pachyrhizus erosus is a creeping or propagating plant that has a length of up to 5 meters. Bengkoang has a root that can reach 2 meters and has a white tuber. The bulb part of this bengkoang which contains a lot of nutrients so good for the health of the body.
 Bengkoang is often used as a daily consumption ingredients or used as herbal ingredients to make beauty potions as well as to treat various diseases. Bengkoang tubers contain several nutrients such as vitamin A (retinol), thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), pantothenic acid, folic acid, protein, and niacin.

In addition, there are also other content of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, glucose, iron, and inulin. There is also a chemical content found in bengkoang bulbs such as rotenon and pachyrhizon.
Bulbs bengkoang very suitable for treating dry skin because it has the cooling properties obtained from high water content on the tuber. The use of bengkoang as a base material for skin care is very easy to find on cosmetic products bleach and skin moisturizer.
In addition to the material to care for the skin, inulin content in bengkoang bulbs can also be used as a substitute for sugar and at the same time to decrease the number of calories in food. Inulin also serves to stimulate the growth of good bacteria in our intestines.

To find out more about the content and benefits of bengkoang for health, following the review:
Skin health
Bulbs bengkoang containing vitamin A, B1 and C can overcome various problems on the skin such as refreshing and whiten the skin, remove black spots, and inhibit the occurrence of premature aging.
Tuber bengkoang contain vitamin A and beta-carotene. Carotene is a compound that can convert to vitamin A in the body as well as being a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin A can maintain healthy skin, prevent the growth of cancer cells in the oral cavity and lung cancer, while keeping the night vision more optimal.
At its root, there are vitamin C content that has many functions such as boost immunity, anti-aging, stimulate bone growth, and accelerate wound healing.
Cholesterol Disease
With the content of Vitamin C, bengkoang very useful for health. Vitamin C can function as an antioxidant that can lower blood cholesterol levels. For people with diabetes, bengkoang can be used by filtering the arinya and drink as much as 2 times a day. Routine consume this herb can help to overcome diabetes suffered.
Energy sources
Bengkoang can also be used as an energy source because it contains 1.18 calories in each gram. This calorie source is very good for consumption because it comes from complex carbohydrates and soluble dietary fiber.
Metabolic Dysfunction
Tuber bengkoang is a source of vitamin B-complex such as thiamin (vitamin B1), piridoksin (vitamin B6), pantothenic acid, folic acid, riboflavin, and niacin. Some of these vitamins are efficacious to overcome the problem of metabolic dysfunction that occurs in the body. In addition, bengkoang tuber parts also become vegetable sources rich in minerals such as potassium, iron, manganese, copper, phosphorus, and potassium.
Potassium is essential in controlling heart rate and blood pressure and can also counteract the hypertension effects of sodium. Copper and iron are the much-needed components in the production of red blood cells. While manganese is utilized by the body as an antioxidant.

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