The Benefits of the Secang Wood Content

This plant enjoys the open space up to a height of 1,000 m asl, as in the rocky mountains are not too cold. Secang grows wild and is sometimes planted as a hedge or garden boundary. Shrubs or small trees, 5-10 m tall, stems and branches spiked with spiked and scattered shape, round stalks, brownish green color. Double pinnate compound leaf, 25-40 cm long, the number of children leaves 10-20 pairs that are resistant. Leaf is not stemmed, oval shape, base of rompang, round tip, flat edge and almost parallel, 10-25 mm long, 3-11 mm wide, green color. Flower flowers compound shaped panicle, out of the end of the stalk with a length of 10-40 cm, tubular crown, yellow color. The fruit is pods, 8-10 cm long, 3-4 cm wide, the tip like a beak contains 3-4 seeds, when the color is black. Seeds elongated round, 15-18 mm long, width 8-1 1 mm, 5-7 mm thick, brownish yellow color. Wood harvesting can be done from the age of 1-2 years. The wood when baked gives a young red ivory color, can be used for painting, give color to the material webbing, cake, drink or as ink. Propagation by seed or stem cuttings.

Caesalpinia sappan L. or better known as Kayu Secang (Sappan lignum), is now widely used as one of the health drink choices by the community, whether mixed with various other traditional plants, or without the ingredients. Many properties that can be obtained from Wood Secang (Sappan lignum), among others, as an antiseptic, diarrhea treatment, dysentery, coughing blood, blood cleanser, etc .. Caselpinia sappam leaves and stems contain saponins, and flavonoids, in addition to the leaves also contain polyphenols, the stems also contain tannins. From the research note that Wood Secang (Sappan lignum) in the form of ethanol extract and infusa have antibacterial activity against Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria.
The chemical properties possessed by this plant are Sepat odorless. Pharmacological effects able to Stop bleeding, blood cleanser, pengelat, antidote and antiseptic. Chemical content of wood: Ergic acid, tannin, resin, resorcin, brasilin, brasilin, d-alpha-phellandrene, oscimene, essential oil, while the leaves contain: 0.16% -0.20% volatile oil which smells good and almost colorless
Diseases that can be treated: Diarrhea, dysentery, blood stones (TB), internal injuries, syphilis, dirty blood; Vomiting blood, dysentery, bloody wounds, bloody bruises; Malaria, tetanus, tumors, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. Parts used are Wood, Skin removed, cut into pieces and then dried.

- Diarrhea, dysentery- Coughing up blood on tuberculosis.- Vomiting blood, dysentery, bloody wounds, bloody bruises.- Deep wounds.- Syphilis, dirty blood, Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye.- Malaria.- Treatment after delivery.- Tetanus- Swelling (tumor),- Pain due to impaired blood circulation and Ci.Timber Secang Blasting Antiosteoporosis Blood
Wood secang delicious wedang made. Anti-coagulation content efficacious blood circulation.

Every guest who comes at designer Afif Syakur's house must be given a wedang secang. In addition to delicious, red wedge tesebut provide health benefits. '' Delicious and healthy, '' said Afif Syakur.
The habit of drinking wedang secang also dilakoni Rudy. Director at a company in South Semarang is almost every day to prepare wedang secang. According to him since drinking wedang secang himself almost never sick. Not even the wind.
Secang indeed the original drink Indonesia. This herbal ingredient has long been known to have health benefits. Enjoying a cup of wedang secang every day not only gives a delicious sensation, but also has other properties as a medicine.
It is said that in peg secang only enjoyed by the royal palace of Jogja as a beverage maker. This justifies the Javanese community recognize this plant as a raw material for making wedang.
Secang is known by several names in Indonesia, such as in Aceh called seupeueng, Minangkabau (lacang), Java and Sunda (secang) and various other areas that have their respective nicknames. In other areas such as Japan are called suou and English (sappanwood).
Characteristically, this plant can tumbih at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. This plant includes a liar plant. The community even planted it as a fence on their home page or on their garden.
Trees about 10 meters high. This plant includes shrub plants with round rods. The trunk is moderate. The compound leaf has a length of approximately 40 cm and leaves like chinese petai leaves. The bark of the wood can release a reddish liquid. Secang is from Southeast Asia and easy to find in Indonesia.

The leaves are double pinnate compound with a length of 25-40 cm. Leaflets there are 10-20 pairs, elliptical with a length of 10-25 mm and 3-11 mm wide green color.
Flowers arranged compound shaped panicles along 10-40 cm long and are at the end of the stem. The petals are five styles, green. The threads are 15 mm long and 18 mm pistil. The flower crown is tubular and yellow. The fruit is pod-shaped with a length of 8-10 cm and 3-4 cm wide, the tip is like a beak containing 3-4 black seeds. Seeds are 15-18 mm long and 5-7 mm wide.
Taste secang very little sour and fresh. For wedang is usually made by adding cardamom and red ginger. The effects felt after drinking wedang secang is a warm feeling that spreads throughout the body. However, in addition to warm the body, secang also has other properties are very good.
Want the benefits of medicine from this secang, pharmacist Drs. Suhardjono Apt Msi said, secang does have a variety of properties for the body. The benefits secang obtained from various natural chemicals contained in sekang, among others, brazilin, alkaloid, falvonoid, saponin, tannin, phenyl propane and terpenoid. It also contains gallic acid, brasilein, delta-a phellandrene, oscimene, resin, essential oils and resorin

While on the leaves also contain atsiri oils not less than 0.20% are flavorful and colorless. Parts used for beverages are wood or tree trunks. In the utilization of plants secang often use part Kayunya, skin first removed, cut into pieces and shriveled and dried.
"Based on research that has been done previously, states that wood secang has a high antioxidant activity," said Deputy Sentra Development and application of traditional medicine (SP3T) is,
Lecturer of Undip FK added, because this plant contains anti-bacterial compounds and are anti-coagulation or anti-agglomeration, it is no wonder if secang can be cultivated as a medicine diarrhea, cough and can heal wounds. In other uses, the Latin name Caesalpia sappan L is very efficacious for melancarakan blood circulation. Secrets can also be used to reduce swelling. In addition, secang can also dissolve blood clots that occur in the body.
Secang wood can also be used for the treatment of dysentery, coughing blood in tuberculosis, vomiting blood, syphilis, malaria, tetanus, tetanus, pesecang as swelling (tumor), and pain due to disrupt blood circulation.
'' Wood secang is one of the plants used as a traditional medicine either in singular or mixed with other traditional medicinal materials. In addition to being used for a variety of treatments, these plants are also able to fight osteoporosis, '' supplement this cheap lecturer smile.
Further described, flavonoid compound on wood secang showed positive results used for antibacterial and antirematik. Bugis community, South Sulawesi has long used secang wood to treat the symptoms of porous bone or osteoporosis as well as used in mixed drinks daily.
Wood secang has an effect as antiosteoporosis especially in stimulating osteoblastic cell proliferation. This study also corroborates previous reports which show that the antioxidant effect and flavanoid-rich content of these plants is an important factor in providing activity as an antiosteoporosis.

Benefits of Drugs

1. Blood Cleanser:
One dry wood dried braised with a spoon of cilantro and trawas leaves. Boiled until boiling. Drink while warm.

2. Diarrhea;
Take 5 grams of wood cut into small pieces and then boiled with 2 glasses of clean water. for 15 minutes. After cold filtered, divided into 2 parts. Drinking in the morning and afternoon.

3. Coughing up blood:
Take 1 1/2 wooden fingers secang washed and cut into pieces as needed, boiled with 4 cups water until remaining 2 1/4 cup, After cold filtered, drink. A day 3 x 3/4 glasses.

4. Inflammation of the eye mucous membranes:

Take 2 wooden fingers secang washed and cut into pieces as needed, boiled with 3 cups water until remaining 1 1/2 cup. After the cold is filtered, the water is used to mine a sore eye.

5. Dysentery:

Take 1 wooden finger secang washed and cut into pieces as needed, boiled with 3 cups water until remaining 1 1/2 cups. After cold
filtered and drunk with honey as needed. A day 2 x 3/4 glasses.Benefits And Benefits Secrets For Health
Secang tree trunk has long been known by the people of Java as a material to make a drink called wedang secang. reputedly, wedang secang has healthful properties and is considered as a palace drink. Currently, grated wood secang sold gold in beverages or mixed drinks with other spices to improve stamina and health.
 This one spice is made from wood shavings. But since the 17th century has been traded by various countries of the world. This one spice is often used to mix hot drinks in the area of ​​Yogyakarat.
Secang is known by several names in Indonesia, such as in Aceh called seupeueng, Minangkabau (lacang), Java and Sunda (secang) and various other areas that have their respective nicknames. In other areas such as Japan are called suou and English (sappanwood).
Height can reach up to 6 meters with a brownish cylindrical rod. The bark of the wood can release a reddish liquid. Secang (caesalpinia sappan L.) comes from Southeast Asia and is easy to find in Indonesia.

The compound leaves peel gaanda with a length of 25-40 cm. Leaflets contain 10-20 pairs, oval-shaped with a length of 10-25 mm and 3-11 mm wide green.
flowers compound compound shaped panicles along 10-40 cm long and located at the end of the stem. The petals are five, green. The threads are 15 mm long and 18 mm pistil. The flower crown is tubular and yellow. The fruit is pod-shaped with a length of 8-10 cm and 3-4 cm wide, the tip is like a beak containing 3-4 black seeds. Seeds are 15-18 mm long and 5-7 mm wide.
Taste secang very little sour and fresh, this drink becomes a special drink in Yogyakarta. The basic ingredients of this beverage are wood shavings secang are boiled with other herbs such as cloves and cinnamon.
Chemical Content
Substances contained in secang include brazilin, alkaloids, falvonoid, saponins, tannins, phenyl propane and terpenoid. It also contains gallic acid, brasilein, delta-a phellandrene, oscimene, resin and resorin.

While the leaves contain atsiri oil of not less than 0.20% which is aromatic and colorless. Parts used for beverages are wood or tree trunks. Harvest timber secang can be done from the age of 1-2 years.
The content contained in tree trunks secang include bleeding stops, blood cleansers, antidote and antiseptic drugs. Because these plants contain anti-bacterial compounds and are anti-coagulation or anti-agglomeration, it is no wonder if secang can be used as a medicine diarrhea, cough and can heal wounds. If diarrhea 5 grams of dried wood is cut small, then boiled with two glasses of water for 15 minutes after it strain and immediately drunk.

Wood secang can also be used for the treatment of dysentery, coughing up blood in tuberculosis, vomiting blood, syphilis, malaria, tetanus, tetanus, swelling (tumor), and pain due to disrupt blood circulation. The wood when boiled gives ivory red color. Can be used for penyetan, give color to the material of webbing, cake, beverage.

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