The benefits of basil leaves and keistemawaanya

Overcoming Whitish
The whitish problem is a common problem in most women. Ironically most women do not know about whiteness and the cause of leucorrhoea in women themselves and instead make whiteness as a matter of light. Precisely if not handled properly, vaginal discharge can be fatal. Whitish is caused by the fungus, the content of eugenol in basil leaves can overcome the whitish cause of fungus. So, when you experience vaginal discharge, be diligent to consume basil leaves can be as lalap or mixed with other foods.

Overcoming body odor and bad breath
Same with the above problems, body odor and bad breath is a common thing happens to anyone. Many people who think it's normal and do not pay attention to it, but this problem can make us not confident and disturb the people around us. The content of active substances basil leaves can also overcome the smell of the mouth and body odor, how very easy enough with diligent - diligent eating basil leaves can be made with vegetables or vegetables. To overcome bad breath, can also be done in the following way:

Take the basil leaves, the seeds are also the roots
Clean and then brewed with hot water
Water seduhan you can add with brown sugar or honey
Drink the water in every morning before the move.

The benefits of basil leaves for health
Basil leave
Healthy eyes
Basil leaf has the greatest vitamin A content (see table above, imagine if you eat 100 grams or 200 grams) so by often - often consume basil leaves of this eye health we can also stay awake.

Ward off free radicals
Basil leaf efficacy is very good to fight free radicals, this is because basil leaves have excellent antioxidants to fight free radicals that enter into our body. Antioxidants in the form of flavonoids and also eugenol can prevent the growth of bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Then the content of asthenol and boron in basil leaves provide the efficacy of basil leaves that play an active role in stimulating the working function of the hormone estrogen and also androgen hormones, and prevent bone loss.

Helps bone growth
For children the content of calcium, iron and phosphorus is needed. These three ingredients can be obtained from basil leaves. With a lot - consume lots of basil leaves, then our bodies can obtain a lot of calcium and phosphorus that can help in the growth of bone.

Anti bacterial
In a study conducted by the research and application bureau, Universitas Ataturk, Turkey, showed that ethanol extract from basil leaves has anti-bacterial properties against nine species including Acinetobacter, Bacillus and Micrococcus genera. While methanol extract and hexanol from basil leaves showed anti-bacterial activity against thirteen species of seven genera including Acinetobacter, Bacillus, Brucella, Eschericia, Micrococcus, and Staphylococcus, and anticandidal effects on Candida albicans (2). Basil leaves have been studied by a researcher from the University of Jember to be the base material for making hands sanitizier. So it is true, if one of the benefits of basil leaves it as an antibacterial.

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