Society has many who know pule pandak (Rauvolfia serpentina) as a drug high blood pressure and disorders of certain conditions. Now there are other plants that same properties, Rauvofa verticillata. Bogor Botanical Gardens collect these plants to prevent increased exploitation of the pandak pule.
Both types of medicinal plants are still closely related that has almost the same appearance. Even in the book of Indonesia Medicinal Inventory of the first volume of MOH, they are both called pule pandak.
Pule pandak - (Rauvolfia serpentina)
Heyne in the book Useful Plants Indonesia called the genus Rauvolfia with Rauwolfia. Becker instilled these Apocyneceae members as Rauvolfia, as well as dividing them into species R. serpentina and R. verticillata based on the morphology of flowers and fruits. Flowers of R. verticillata resemble frangipani flowers, tubular with five sheets of crown leaves overlapping and twisted to the left like a propeller. The fruit is oval-shaped with an almost pointed tip, located in pairs of two, but one with the other not attached to each other.
The leaves are oval-shaped with slightly pointy tip, fresh green. The stem is almost the same as the pandak pule, segments and from each segment appears three leaves. In nature R. verticillata grows to a height of 1,500 meters above sea level. Habitatnya coastal areas and hilly areas. Although classified as a bush, the height can reach 1.5 m, while the "original" pandak pule is only one meter tall.
R. verticillata is thought to be a native Indian plant. The spreading areas include Sri Lanka, Myanmar, South China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaya Peninsula, North Kalimantan, Sumatra and Java. It is a kind of "stubborn" plant because it can grow in various types of habitat.
Relative Phytochemical Content
Phytochemical studies that have been done on R. verticillata are shown in the alkaloid content, especially reserpine. Roots of R. verticillata derived from Malay Peninsula based on the study show a reserpine content of 0.05%. This amounts to about a third of the amount of reserpine at the root of R. serpentina. However, these figures are not absolute because there are several other factors that affect the phytochemical content of the rauvolvia species. Other alkaloids contained in the root of R. verticillata are perakin, sarpagin and isoreserpilin.
According to the results of the study, the closer the kinship plants the phytochemicals they contain almost the same. The amount of phytochemical content especially alkalloid is strongly influenced by the growth phase, plant and environmental conditions. The test results of alkaloids content in the same species with different growth phases revealed differences. In the vegetative phase, the alkaloids content is lower than in the flowering or early fruiting phase. In addition, many at least alkaloids are also affected by the physical conditions of the soil in which the plant grows and develops.

The root is efficacious

Like the pandak pule, the plant part of R. verticillata that acts as a high blood medicine is its root. This plant has the potential to be a high blood drug based on the results of research showing its roots contain reserpine. Reserpine is an alkaloida whose hypotensor properties (lowering blood pressure) are high enough.

In China in addition to high blood medicine, kin pulle relatives are also used as a drug malaria and typhoid. In Sumatra he is better known as the salung. The dolphins are used for anti-toxins, such as neutralizing toxins from poisonous snakebite bites or scorpion stings.

The traditional use of the plant that is used to cure high blood, malaria and typhoid is by brewing the skin of the roots. However, until now there has been no standard information about the correct dose. Commercial use of R. verticillata is not well known. Not many herbal and medicine industries that use as raw material. Seeing its usefulness similar to a pandak pule is not excessive if it is developed into a potential medicinal plant.

The content contained in pule plants:

Pule is best used as an alternative medicine because it has many nutritious ingredients for the human body. The content is: Alkaloida, Ekitamina, Alsinina, Ekitenina, Ekitina, Ekiretina, Ditamina, Ekiteina, and Ekitamidina

Benefits Tanama pule:

Pule plant can be used as an alternative medicine our disease, diseases that can be assisted healing that is:

Reduces blood pressure
Treat chest pain
Pain relief
Reduces blood sugar in people with Diabetes Mellitus

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