The root is efficacious
the pandak pule, the plant part of R. verticillata that acts as a high
blood medicine is its root. This plant has the potential to be a high
blood drug based on the results of research showing its roots contain
reserpine. Reserpine is an alkaloida whose hypotensor properties
(lowering blood pressure) are high enough.
China in addition to high blood medicine, kin pulle relatives are also
used as a drug malaria and typhoid. In Sumatra he is better known as the
salung. The dolphins are used for anti-toxins, such as neutralizing
toxins from poisonous snakebite bites or scorpion stings.
traditional use of the plant that is used to cure high blood, malaria
and typhoid is by brewing the skin of the roots. However, until now
there has been no standard information about the correct dose.
Commercial use of R. verticillata is not well known. Not many herbal and
medicine industries that use as raw material. Seeing its usefulness
similar to a pandak pule is not excessive if it is developed into a
potential medicinal plant.
The content contained in pule plants:
is best used as an alternative medicine because it has many nutritious
ingredients for the human body. The content is: Alkaloida, Ekitamina,
Alsinina, Ekitenina, Ekitina, Ekiretina, Ditamina, Ekiteina, and
Benefits Tanama pule:
Pule plant can be used as an alternative medicine our disease, diseases that can be assisted healing that is:
Reduces blood pressure
Treat chest pain
Pain relief
Reduces blood sugar in people with Diabetes Mellitus
info tanaman hias: cara merawat tanaman hias anggrek, aneka tanaman hias air tawar, cara menanam dan merawat tanaman hias dalam pot
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