How to get rid of keloid naturally

For more details, you can immediately see how to eliminate keloid naturally below.
1. affection
Humectant with restorative properties is highly recommended by alternative physicians in terms of handling keloid. No need to bother, just use keloid with honey regularly for several weeks to grasp and fade keloid container color gradually.

2. aloe vera
In addition to many benefits for the hair, aloe vera can be used to treat keloid. Here the content of aloe vera will help reduce inflammation, maintain skin moisture, and heal the damaged skin.
Immediately you apply as follows:

The scar area is cleaned first with warm water.
Attach the aloe vera gel to the keloid, then let stand for 30 minutes and wash with cold water.

How to remove keloid by using aloe vera is the simplest natural method and does not spend much money let alone energy.

3. Lemon juice Lemon juice provides vitamin C as an antioxidant that can support the health of the body as well as skin beauty. Lemon juice is also effective to treat keloid and some other types of injuries. How to treat keloid with lemon juice alone is not difficult:

Make lemon juice with a little water, which means the lemon juice is still slightly thick.
Apply lemon juice to the skin area panting with keloid.
Leave for half an hour, then wipe with warm water to avoid sticking.Over time keloids will disappear significantly, you just need to do it consistently. Baking SodaSoda baking is involved in the removal of keloid with the role of exfoliation and skin distillation. How to use it is as follows:

Create a fine medicine or cream by combining two ingredients in one piece of soda tray with three parts hydrogen peroxide.
Apply a cream or medicine that already exists in the keloid area, its function is to reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process.You can use this natural method three to four times a day, depending on whether you have scars or not. Apple Apple Apples Pure vinegar that has been processed to produce essence can be used to remove keloids. This is a traditional method that can be done at home, the function of pure apple cider vinegar is to shrink and remove the reddish scar that stands out.Here is the treatment guide:

Use a brush to rub a prominent scar, then give a gentle touch of time to pure apple cider vinegar absorbed into the skin.
Wait until apple juice is dry, then repeat this process at least 3 times a day for faster recovery.Are you sensitive to apple cider vinegar ?, eg annoying, immediately switch to another way or can dilute the apple cider by adding some water into the mixture.

There seems to be no health information about how to get rid of keloids. Because here are two traditional and medical methods, you do not need to be confused with which one. You can choose it, then try, if the result is positive then continue, and vice versa.

Tips Menghilangkan Keloid dalam Pengobatan

Setelah Anda tahu tentang seluk-beluk untuk mencegah keloid, pada tahap ini saya akan memberitahu Anda bagaimana cara menghilangkan keloid dengan cepat. Ya, itu tidak terlalu cepat, dibutuhkan proses sesaat, tapi selama Anda rutin dan konsisten, bisa dipastikan bekas luka melotot hilang dari sirkulasi, yang berarti permukaan.
Berikut cara menghilangkan keloid yang telah terbukti efektif menghilangkan keloid pada pasien yang mengeluh.
Injeksi kortison (injeksi steroid intralysis)
Cara menghilangkan keloid pertama ini adalah cara yang cukup efektif. Menggunakan suntikan keloid secara bertahap bisa membantu mengecilkan bekas luka yang menonjol. Anda tidak perlu khawatir untuk pergi seperti ini, karena injeksi kortison sangat aman dan tidak terlalu menyakitkan.
Biasanya, injeksi dilakukan sebulan sekali untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal. Secara bertahap keloid akan mengecil dan mengempis, namun dalam beberapa kasus injeksi steroid juga bisa membuat keloid menjadi rata dan berwarna kemerahan. Hal ini bisa terjadi karena injeksi steroid akan merangsang terbentuknya pembuluh darah superfisial, jika hal ini bisa diatasi dengan menggunakan laser.
Namun, terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa keloid belum tampak mencolok, hasil terbaik tetap akan meninggalkan bekas pada kulit yang bisa dilihat mata, permukaannya cukup kasar, dan memiliki warna yang berbeda dibanding warna kulit normal.
Keloid akan mengecil dan berwarna kemerahan karena keloid akan memudar sesuai dengan jumlah terapi laser yang Anda lakukan. Karena cara menghilangkan keloid dengan laser ini membutuhkan beberapa sesi terapi, banyak orang memilih cara lain karena biaya perawatan ini kurang dari kebutuhan akan stadium terapeutik.
CrytotherapyCrytotherapy cukup aman, tapi membuat Anda gemar memakainya untuk memilih cara ini. Karena krioterapi dilakukan dengan cara membekukan keloid menggunakan nitrogen cair yang akan membuat keloid rata, namun sering meninggalkan warna gelap pada kulit.
Metode ini digunakan untuk membunuh sel keloid dengan tahap kemoterapi menggunakan obat keloid. Metode fluorouracil dilakukan dengan menyuntikkan agen kemoterapi ini, baik sendiri atau bersamaan dengan steroid, juga telah digunakan untuk pengobatan keloid.
Dari hasil penelitian, dokter meyakini bahwa radiasi adalah cara yang paling efektif dan aman untuk menghilangkan keloid. Tapi tidak ada yang tahu persis bagaimana prosesnya kecuali dokter secara khusus menangani masalah ini.

Cara Mencegah Keloid

Sehingga jumlah keloid tidak menyebar ke bagian lain dari kulit, sangat disarankan agar Anda segera melakukan tindakan pencegahan. Tapi bagaimana mencegah keloid muncul di bagian tubuh yang lain?

Hanya ada satu cara yang bisa dikatakan mudah dan bisa jadi sulit, sejauh mungkin untuk menghindari cedera, termasuk prosedur operasi jika tidak terlalu kritis terhadap situasi, seperti operasi plastik, injeksi hidung dan sebagainya.

Pendapat Dokter dan Para Ahli Mengenai Pentingnya Air Alkali bagi Tubuh Manusia


  There are many competent people like doctors or experts who have been writing articles, books, videos, etc. about the importance of alkaline water based on their research over the years and they are happy to share their knowledge free of charge to the world. We are fortunate to easily find useful information from the internet that will add to our knowledge of the importance of health, both our own health and the people around us, and how to live a healthy life where one of them is with an alkaline lifestyle.

Here are excerpts from doctors, experts, book authors and people who are competent in their field about their research on alkaline water.
Dr. Hiromi Shinya, MD

Surgeon and Author of Best Seller's "The Enzyme Factor" Healthcare Book, "The Miracle of Enzyme", "Microbe Factor", "The Magic of the Enzyme Awet Young"
hirmoi shinya miracle of enzyme

"You can use electrical methods to make water that has a strong reduction capability (Kangen Water) .There is a purifying apparatus that ionizes and creates this type of water through electrolysis process ... when electrolysis occurs, active hydrogen is also produced, serves to remove free radicals from the body.The result is what I call "good water", pure, clean alkaline water with rich mineral content Good water means water that has a strong reduction force that is not polluted by chemical pollution To meet the water requirement enough everyday, even water used for cooking, I believe it is important to buy and use water purification devices that have a strong reduction force. "

author's note: in the book "The Miracle of Enzyme" (Gold Edition) which has been translated into Indonesian (publisher publisher Qanita, PT Mizan Pustaka which can be found in Gramedia bookstore), on page 193, Dr. Hiromi Shinya said about the water he meant was Kangen Water.

Sang Whang
Author of "Reverse Aging" (Awet Young)
sang wang reverse aging
"As we know that the accumulation of acid waste causes aging, acid reduction is an anti-aging. Alkaline water is not a cure for any disease, however, if we take it regularly, alkaline water gradually helps to reduce acid wastes.


Dr. Howard Hay (1930)
howard hay
"… people who have a blood content that is acidic likely to be affected by the disease. People who have alkaline body levels are healthy people. When food is metabolized, the acid is produced in the body which is then neutralized by an alkaline salt (carbonate) consisting of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. Foods that contain chlorine, phosphorus, sulfur and nitrogen, animal flesh and refined carbohydrates tend to be acidic. "