Food hazards contain high phosphate

Food hazards contain high phosphateHigh Phosphate Foods Trigger Heart PainIf you like to eat foods, such as biscuits, cakes, sweets, some dairy products, energy drinks, and offal meat, should be vigilant. It could be your risk of heart disease increases.According to research experts at the University of Sheffield, UK, high phosphate substances in food can trigger atherosclerosis or hardening of blood vessels. Laboratory studies using three groups of mice showed that a high-phosphate diet could lead to the risk of swelling and blockage of blood vessels by up to 40 percent.What exactly is phosphate? These are chemicals that are often used as food additives. These chemicals make the baked goods light, and help the meat stay moist and tender, and make the cheese shape good, and there are other benefits.You do not really need to be too scared or really avoid phosphate food. Because the body still needs these chemicals to build and repair damaged teeth and bones. However, nutritionists have long suspected the effects of phosphates, and now British scientists confirm that too much phosphate in the diet can make you have heart disease.According to scientists, when phosphates are detected in the bloodstream, your body's food will release certain hormones that lower the phosphate levels. Research shows that high levels of this hormone-lowering phosphate are associated with heart disease and blood vessels.The researchers themselves have not been able to determine whether the phosphate-lowering hormone or phosphate substance itself that causes heart disease. But whatever it is, reducing the intake of phosphate-containing foods in the diet will be a wise step to maintain heart health.To reduce phosphate levels in the diet, avoid excessive consumption of processed foods and packaged foods. In addition, limit the consumption of organ meats, such as offal, kidney, or liver.

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