Fun Ways to Lower Blood Pressure
For those of you with high blood pressure, you must be happy to hear this news. In
addition to maintaining food intake and exercise, there are fun ways to
lower blood pressure, which is by soaking in warm water.
In the Journal of Applied Physiology, bathing with high-temperature water for one hour can trigger the release of chemicals that can prevent inflammation as well as exercise.
The researchers analyzed the body condition of ten men who were inactive and overweight after they were asked to soak in a bathtub. The bathtub is filled with water at 38 degrees Celsius for one hour.
The results showed that only a hot bath can increase the levels of the chemical element IL-6 in the bloodstream. This increase usually occurs in people who do high physical activity.
Soaking in warm water also triggers the release of nitric oxide which relaxes blood vessels and therefore lowers blood pressure.
In the Journal of Applied Physiology, bathing with high-temperature water for one hour can trigger the release of chemicals that can prevent inflammation as well as exercise.
The researchers analyzed the body condition of ten men who were inactive and overweight after they were asked to soak in a bathtub. The bathtub is filled with water at 38 degrees Celsius for one hour.
The results showed that only a hot bath can increase the levels of the chemical element IL-6 in the bloodstream. This increase usually occurs in people who do high physical activity.
Soaking in warm water also triggers the release of nitric oxide which relaxes blood vessels and therefore lowers blood pressure.
Benefits of warm water
After bathing in warm
water, the blood sugar and insulin levels of the study participants also
showed a more significant decrease than fasting and resting.
In essence, researchers led by Sven Hoekstra believe that bathing can improve inflammatory conditions and improve glucose metabolism in inactive and overweight
In essence, researchers led by Sven Hoekstra believe that bathing can improve inflammatory conditions and improve glucose metabolism in inactive and overweight
Manfaat Kubis bagi Kesehatan Tubuh
Kol atau kubiis tidak hanya enak dikonsumsi kubis juga
bermanfaat bagi kesehatan dan mengatasi berbagai jenis penyakit. Dengan
kandungan berbagai vitamin dan mineral seperti vitamin A, B, C, K, beta
karoten, magnesium, kalsium, potasium, fenol, sulfur, zat besi,
riboflavin, dan asam folat ada banyak manfaat kubis yang bisa dipetik
1. Meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh
Vitamin C identik dengan buah jeruk. Namun siapa sangka bahwa kandungan vitamin C pada kubis jauh lebih banyak daripada jeruk. Dengan kekayaan vitamin C yang dimilikinya mengonsumsi kubis dapat membantu meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh sehingga kita lebih terlindung dari berbagai infeksi bakteri dan virus disekitar kita.
2. Baik untuk organ pencernaan
Serat dapat membantu pergerakan usus ketika menyerap makanan sehingga usus tidak perlu bekerja terlalu keras
Kandungan seratnya yang tinggi pada kol menjadikanya sebagai makanan yang sangat baik bagi kesehatan organ pencernaan. Dimana . Selain itu ia juga membuat feses menjadi lebih lembut sehingga menghindarkan kita dari berbagai gangguan pencernaan seperti sembelit, diare, atau risiko wasir.
3. Mencegah kanker
Kubis juga mengandung antioksidan yang tinggi yang dapat mencegah perkembangan radikal bebas di dalam tubuh yang dapat memicu berbagai penyakit berbahaya seperti kanker.
Baca juga: manfaat buah naga
4. Sebagai nutrisi bagi kesehatan mata
Kubis juga sangat baik dikonsumsi sebagai asupan nutrisi bagi kesehatan mata. Dengan kandungan beta karoten yang dimilikinya bermanfaat untuk mempertajam penglihatan, menjaga daya lihat pada orang tua, serta mencegah timbulnya katarak.
5. Membantu menurunkan berat badan
Bagi anda yang sedang menjalani program diet disarankan mengonsumsi makanan-makanan rendah kalori, kaya serat, serta mengandung vitamin dan mineral yang dibutuhkan tubuh. Salah satu contohnya adalah kubis sehingga sayuran ini layak dimasukkan dalam menu harian anda.
6. Sebagai nutrisi otak
Kubis juga merupakan makanan yang sangat baik bagi otak karena mengandung antosianin dan vitamin K dimana keduanya bermanfaat mejadikan konsentrasi otak lebih baik. Vitamin K juga sangat baik dikonsumsi untuk mencegah penyakit-penyakit yang berhubungan dengan penurunan fungsi otak seperti demensia dan alzheimer.
7. Baik untuk kesehatan tulang
Kubis mengandung beberapa mineral penting bagi tubuh seperti magnesium, kalsium, dan potasium yang sangat baik untuk kesehatan tulang sehingga tulang sehat dan terhindar dari berbagai penyakit seperti osteoporosis.
8. Detoksifikasi
Didukung oleh kandungan vitamin C dan sulfur pada kubis sehingga tubuh menjadi lebih sehat dan bersih dari berbagai zat-zat beracun.
mengonsumsi kubis juga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai langkah detoksifikasi atau pembuangan zat-zat racun dari dalam tubuh.
9. Membantu pembentukan sel darah merah
Agar berbagai fungsinya seperti membawa oksigen ke seluruh tubuh dapat berjalan dengan baik,dcSel darah merah sangat diperlukan oleh tubuh dalam jumlah cukup . Hal ini bisa dicapai dengan mengonsumsi makanan-makanan yang mengandung zat besi seperti kubis sehingga pembentukan sel darah merah menjadi lancar.
1. Meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh
Vitamin C identik dengan buah jeruk. Namun siapa sangka bahwa kandungan vitamin C pada kubis jauh lebih banyak daripada jeruk. Dengan kekayaan vitamin C yang dimilikinya mengonsumsi kubis dapat membantu meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh sehingga kita lebih terlindung dari berbagai infeksi bakteri dan virus disekitar kita.
2. Baik untuk organ pencernaan
Serat dapat membantu pergerakan usus ketika menyerap makanan sehingga usus tidak perlu bekerja terlalu keras
Kandungan seratnya yang tinggi pada kol menjadikanya sebagai makanan yang sangat baik bagi kesehatan organ pencernaan. Dimana . Selain itu ia juga membuat feses menjadi lebih lembut sehingga menghindarkan kita dari berbagai gangguan pencernaan seperti sembelit, diare, atau risiko wasir.
3. Mencegah kanker
Kubis juga mengandung antioksidan yang tinggi yang dapat mencegah perkembangan radikal bebas di dalam tubuh yang dapat memicu berbagai penyakit berbahaya seperti kanker.
Baca juga: manfaat buah naga
4. Sebagai nutrisi bagi kesehatan mata
Kubis juga sangat baik dikonsumsi sebagai asupan nutrisi bagi kesehatan mata. Dengan kandungan beta karoten yang dimilikinya bermanfaat untuk mempertajam penglihatan, menjaga daya lihat pada orang tua, serta mencegah timbulnya katarak.
5. Membantu menurunkan berat badan
Bagi anda yang sedang menjalani program diet disarankan mengonsumsi makanan-makanan rendah kalori, kaya serat, serta mengandung vitamin dan mineral yang dibutuhkan tubuh. Salah satu contohnya adalah kubis sehingga sayuran ini layak dimasukkan dalam menu harian anda.
6. Sebagai nutrisi otak
Kubis juga merupakan makanan yang sangat baik bagi otak karena mengandung antosianin dan vitamin K dimana keduanya bermanfaat mejadikan konsentrasi otak lebih baik. Vitamin K juga sangat baik dikonsumsi untuk mencegah penyakit-penyakit yang berhubungan dengan penurunan fungsi otak seperti demensia dan alzheimer.
Kubis mengandung beberapa mineral penting bagi tubuh seperti magnesium, kalsium, dan potasium yang sangat baik untuk kesehatan tulang sehingga tulang sehat dan terhindar dari berbagai penyakit seperti osteoporosis.
8. Detoksifikasi
Didukung oleh kandungan vitamin C dan sulfur pada kubis sehingga tubuh menjadi lebih sehat dan bersih dari berbagai zat-zat beracun.
mengonsumsi kubis juga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai langkah detoksifikasi atau pembuangan zat-zat racun dari dalam tubuh.
9. Membantu pembentukan sel darah merah
Agar berbagai fungsinya seperti membawa oksigen ke seluruh tubuh dapat berjalan dengan baik,dcSel darah merah sangat diperlukan oleh tubuh dalam jumlah cukup . Hal ini bisa dicapai dengan mengonsumsi makanan-makanan yang mengandung zat besi seperti kubis sehingga pembentukan sel darah merah menjadi lancar.
Menjaga kesehatan badan
Tips dan cara agar tubuh tetap sehat dan bugar.
Nutrisi bergiziMakanan bergizi bisa membuat dirinya sehat dan kuat dalam menghadapi berbagai penyakit. Dia makan sayuran dan buah yang baik untuk Anda. Jaga makanan dan makanan yang seharusnya Anda higienis.Buatlah air minum putihAir putih sendiri sama suginya dengan kegunaannya, dengan meminum air untuk mentransmisikan sistem pencernaan, mencegah penyakit jantung, memperlihatkan berbagai racun yang ada di dalam tubuh melalui air kencing atau keringat dan masih lebih banyak air putih. Paling sedikit 2 liter air sehari Anda menjadi lebih baik.Jaga dan istirahatlahOrang yang lelah atau lelah cenderung memiliki ketidaknyamanan, jadi jika Anda ingin menjadi sehat sebaiknya jangan malas, jauh lebih banyak pensiun daripada yang bisa Anda lakukan, dan luangkan waktu dalam tidur tubuh dan pikiran Anda segar atau segar.Menjaga tubuh dan lingkunganDengan tubuh bersih berbagai kuman dan bakteri yang menyebabkan berbagai penyakit, maka Anda dituntut untuk menjaga tubuh dan lingkungan Anda sendiri dan bakteri yang tidak menimbulkan penyakit.OlahragaOlahraga penting bagi tubuh untuk menurunkan berat badan (untuk obesitas), menurunkan risiko penyakit jantung, membantu tubuh penyakit, hingga stamina dan kebugaran dengan menjaga kebugaran tubuh. Latihan dalam untuk waktu yang lama, hal paling sederhana yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk mengikuti komplek perumahan sudah cukup.Jangan stresIngat saat kita stres karena makan dan tidur, dan pikiran kita tidak setenang penyakit dengan mudah bisa kita buat sendiri. Hidup itu bahagia Fisik karena kedengarannya bagus.Kurangi makanan instanKurangi makanan instan seperti mi instan, atau chiki, makanan yang mengandung makanan, rasa, penyedap, dan pengawet yang lebih baik untuk menghindari makan. Makanlah makanan alami apapun, buat makanan Anda sendiri jauh lebih sehat dan bersih.
Solusi alami kanggo ngatasi kolesterol dhuwur kanthi tatanan obat tradisional
Kolesterol dhuwur iku masalah kesehatan sing umum banget. Pola makan ora sehat, kayata panganan jajan utawa panganan cepet, wis nyumbang masalah iki.
Obat tradisional kolesterol tradisional dadi solusi dipercaya sing luwih aman tinimbang cara konvensional, amarga risiko efek samping yen dijupuk terus-terusan. Ana macem-macem pilihan tetanduran sing wis dipercaya kanggo generasi bisa mbantu ngatasi kolesterol ing awak lan ngurangi trigliserida ing getih.
Dhokter tradisional kolesterol dhuwur Pangobatan herbal gampang kanggo njaluk supaya sapa wae ora duwe masalah kanggo njupuk wong. Woh-wohan lan herba minangka obat alam minangka cara ngedhunake kolesterol kanthi aman, sanajan obat-obatan farmakologis liya bisa mbiyantu kolesterol kanthi cepet.
Minangka Tradisional High Cholesterol Obat kanthi Buah Antarane woh-wohan sing dianggep minangka obat kolesterol kanggo generasi yaiku avocado. Woh iki dipercaya bisa ngatasi kolésterol amarga kandungan asam pantotenat, asam folat, lan macem-macem vitamins sing bisa nyedhiyakake efek positif kanggo kesehatan. Ora ana pangerten uga sawetara isi liyane kayata asam lemak tak jenuh lan serat, glutathione, magnesium, lan liya-liyane kanggo nguatake keuntungane.
Cara paling apik kanggo ngonsumsi woh alpukat yaiku nganggo langsung. Nanging ana uga liyane kaya ing jus utawa smoothie. Starfish kanggo ngedhunake kolesterol Woh lintang manis uga dianggep minangka obat tradisional kolesterol dhuwur. Serat saka woh iki bisa mbantu proses penyerapan lemak nalika ngurangi kandungan kolesterol ing awak. Isi vitamin C saka woh iki uga nduweni efek positif kanggo nambah ketahanan. Woh lintang manis uga minangka anti-kanker.
Woh iki bisa dipangan langsung utawa digawe jus. Cara Ngurangi Kolesterol karo Tanaman Bahan sing sabanjure sing asring digunakake kanggo ngatasi masalah kolesterol yaiku kol. Sayuran iki sugih ing protein, banyu, serat, lemak, lan liya-liyané sing bermanfaat kanggo cara sing positif kanggo ngedhunake kolesterol ing awak. Kejabi minangka sayuran, kubus uga bisa diproses lan dijupuk sari.
Carane yaiku nyemprotake kubis lan njupuk sari saka bahan kasebut. Sari kubis bisa dikonsumsi saben dina kanggo entuk hasil maksimal kanggo ngedhunake kolesterol ing awak. Kanggo wong sing ora seneng rasa kubis, sampeyan bisa nyampur utawa proses nganggo macem-macem bahan liyane utawa karo resep sing sampeyan nemokake dhewe.
Traditional Medicine High Cholesterol, kol Sabanjure tradisional kolesterol tradisional sing umum digunakake ing praktik kesehatan tradisional yaiku root manis. Tanduran iki pancen migunani amarga isi triterpenoids lan bahan liyane kayata biotin, asam sinapic, lan uga beta-sitoterol. Proses nggawe ramuan bisa direbus lan dicampur karo banyu.
Saring rebusan saka godhong manis bisa dikonsumsi saben dina kanggo ngurangi kandungan kolesterol. Ana uga sawetara wong sing nggunakake nutrisi kanggo ngedhunake kolesterol luwih cepet lan luwih irit. Traditional Medicine High Cholesterol, oyot sing manis
Obat tradisional kolesterol tradisional dadi solusi dipercaya sing luwih aman tinimbang cara konvensional, amarga risiko efek samping yen dijupuk terus-terusan. Ana macem-macem pilihan tetanduran sing wis dipercaya kanggo generasi bisa mbantu ngatasi kolesterol ing awak lan ngurangi trigliserida ing getih.
Dhokter tradisional kolesterol dhuwur Pangobatan herbal gampang kanggo njaluk supaya sapa wae ora duwe masalah kanggo njupuk wong. Woh-wohan lan herba minangka obat alam minangka cara ngedhunake kolesterol kanthi aman, sanajan obat-obatan farmakologis liya bisa mbiyantu kolesterol kanthi cepet.
Minangka Tradisional High Cholesterol Obat kanthi Buah Antarane woh-wohan sing dianggep minangka obat kolesterol kanggo generasi yaiku avocado. Woh iki dipercaya bisa ngatasi kolésterol amarga kandungan asam pantotenat, asam folat, lan macem-macem vitamins sing bisa nyedhiyakake efek positif kanggo kesehatan. Ora ana pangerten uga sawetara isi liyane kayata asam lemak tak jenuh lan serat, glutathione, magnesium, lan liya-liyane kanggo nguatake keuntungane.
Cara paling apik kanggo ngonsumsi woh alpukat yaiku nganggo langsung. Nanging ana uga liyane kaya ing jus utawa smoothie. Starfish kanggo ngedhunake kolesterol Woh lintang manis uga dianggep minangka obat tradisional kolesterol dhuwur. Serat saka woh iki bisa mbantu proses penyerapan lemak nalika ngurangi kandungan kolesterol ing awak. Isi vitamin C saka woh iki uga nduweni efek positif kanggo nambah ketahanan. Woh lintang manis uga minangka anti-kanker.
Woh iki bisa dipangan langsung utawa digawe jus. Cara Ngurangi Kolesterol karo Tanaman Bahan sing sabanjure sing asring digunakake kanggo ngatasi masalah kolesterol yaiku kol. Sayuran iki sugih ing protein, banyu, serat, lemak, lan liya-liyané sing bermanfaat kanggo cara sing positif kanggo ngedhunake kolesterol ing awak. Kejabi minangka sayuran, kubus uga bisa diproses lan dijupuk sari.
Carane yaiku nyemprotake kubis lan njupuk sari saka bahan kasebut. Sari kubis bisa dikonsumsi saben dina kanggo entuk hasil maksimal kanggo ngedhunake kolesterol ing awak. Kanggo wong sing ora seneng rasa kubis, sampeyan bisa nyampur utawa proses nganggo macem-macem bahan liyane utawa karo resep sing sampeyan nemokake dhewe.
Traditional Medicine High Cholesterol, kol Sabanjure tradisional kolesterol tradisional sing umum digunakake ing praktik kesehatan tradisional yaiku root manis. Tanduran iki pancen migunani amarga isi triterpenoids lan bahan liyane kayata biotin, asam sinapic, lan uga beta-sitoterol. Proses nggawe ramuan bisa direbus lan dicampur karo banyu.
Saring rebusan saka godhong manis bisa dikonsumsi saben dina kanggo ngurangi kandungan kolesterol. Ana uga sawetara wong sing nggunakake nutrisi kanggo ngedhunake kolesterol luwih cepet lan luwih irit. Traditional Medicine High Cholesterol, oyot sing manis
The importance of ION in the body
The ion function is very large for the body. Nutritionist from Sehati Emmilia E. Achmadi MSc mentions, body ions are fuels that activate the whole series of limbs. "To move needed ions. If there is no ion then there is no stun and automatically all members of the body will shut down "he explained. Emmilia explains that the ions must be constantly replaced every day because it is always wasted every time we move.
The ions present in the body include sodium, potassium, calcium. Everything is needed by the body. Sodium is the dominant positive ion in the extracellular fluid. The volume of extracellular fluid is regulated by the mechanism of homeostasis. The function of sodium for the body, among others, helps to maintain the balance of water, acids and bases in the extracellular fluid, as an ingredient of pancreatic, bile and sweat fluids, plays an important role in muscle contraction and nerve function, and plays a special role in carbohydrate absorption.
Potassium in food and in the body is found in the form of K + ions, both in solution and in salt form. Potassium functions for the body include cell growth, helping many biochemical reactions such as the release of energy from food, the synthesis of glycogen and proteins, regulating osmotic pressure in cells and controlling water distribution between intracellular and extracellular fluids, maintaining acid-base balance, nerve impulses, participating in the insulin release process of the pancreas, along with magnesium (Mg2 +) plays an important role in muscle relaxation which is the opposite of muscle stimulation by Ca2 +.
In the body, calcium, in the form of Ca2 + ions, is the most numerous metal ion and the fifth most abundant element in the body (after H, O, C and N) either by atom or by weight. More than 90 percent of the calcium is present in the bones and tooth enamel.
Calcium is needed in the process of body metabolism, nerve transmission, heartbeat regulation, muscle contraction, helps the process of fertilization, accelerate blood formation, activate the body's defense system and many more
The Potential Negative Ion BenefitsVarious research on the relationship of negative ion and health has been done since since a century ago among them by scientists from Germany and Russia. In 1919 the Russian physicist A. L. Tchijevsky first managed to explain the biological and physical actions of the unipolar ion. This success was continued by Tchijevsky with the concept of ionization of the air in the medical treatment process by creating high-voltage ionizers known as Lustre (1930), and demonstrating the biological and medical effects of negative ions on animal breathing and hypertensive patients as well as asthma.The mechanisms of biological and medical effects of the negative ions recently described later by AP Krueger of Germany in 1960. Krueger explained that by inhaling negative ions can lower serotonin levels in the blood. Serotonin is a type of depressant nerve hormone, which in which excess serotonin can lead to mental depression and can also cause narrowing of the respiratory tract. This is evidenced also by Sulman by experiments on patients affected by Sharaf or Hamsin winds who have 1000 times more serotonin increases than ordinary people, and recovered after negative ion therapy (1974). To find out more about the effects of Negative Ions on the serotonin, Professor Tomoo Ryusi from Tokyo Metropolitan University conducted an experiment on 10 athletes. Ryusi tried to observe the increased serotonin content of the blood after a 60-minute bike exercise. From the data obtained it is known that, for athletes who rest in the room containing Negative Ion 10.000 per cm3 found serotonin content decreased to 50% within 30 minutes. While the athletes in the room containing only Negative Ion 200-400 per cm3 serotonin content actually multiply. The athletes feel more relaxed in a room containing lots of Negative Ions.Fortunately, despite bearing a negative appendage to its name, free electrons have no negative impact on their new occupancy. It is precisely because of the pleasure of bonding that, the bacteria in the air who have a positive charge to lose the chance of life. In other words, negative ions are able to stop bacterial activity as well as send it to the afterlife. So the chicken in the first group can survive in good health wal afiat. Negative ions are easily found in places where the colliding water jets fall (10,000-14,000 ions / cm3), fountains (4,000 ions / cm3) and rivers (400 ions / cm3). In those places there is a collision between water molecules so that negative ions run around and change their status to free electrons. These free electrons will bind to molecules in the air (oxygen and carbon dioxide) to form negative ions.Then, how the history of negative ions can make the body strong and fit? Negative ions are scattered in the air into our bodies through the way of respiratory and skin pores. Inside the body, the negative ion will be distributed by the bloodstream. One of its ability is to describe lactic acid causes fatigue into harmless substances in the form of water and lactate ions. In that form, lactic acid will be more easily brought to the final dump. If not removed, the feeling of stiffness will continue to be felt because lactic acid is confined within the cell. Negative ions can also increase the working of the spleen to produce immunity. With these capabilities, the body will be better able to deal with virus attacks. So, humans will rarely be exposed to flu or illness caused by other viruses. That is why Negative Ion or Anion is also called "Air Vitamin".
Some of the benefits of Negative Ion:Negative ions in the air can enter the human body through the breathing and pores of the skin. This ion enters all cells in the body by riding the flow of blood flow. Negative ions in the body can decompose lactic acid into harmless substances (water and lactate ions) that are easily transported by the bloodstream to the disposal (when the body is tired and tense, lactic acid in the body will be confined within the cells resulting in an ache- sore).
• In addition Negative Ion has the ability to increase the work of the spleen in producing immune. Automatic body is able to deal with various viruses that enter. Influenza and other viral illnesses come into the body.
• Can clean the air and also good for health. Negative ions are also useful in killing viruses and bacteria that are in the air around us. Among them negative ions can kill the bacteria E. Coli (K. H. Kingdon, 1960), Micrococcus Pyogenes and Influenza virus (A. P. Krueger, 1976). Both Kindon and Krueger use negative ion concentrations of 50,000-5,000,000 per cm3 in these experiments.On the other hand Negative Ions are also known to be useful for neutralizing Superoxide. Superoxide in the blood that actually serves to kill microorganisms in the human body, sometimes just the opposite can actually damage the cells in the body if concentration levels are too high (I. Fridovich, 1960). Whereas the presence of Negative Ion will be able to increase the number of enzymes SOD (superoxide dismutase) which serves to reduce levels of superoksida in blood. Negative ion concentration in several different environments:Ion-level environment *• Waterfall = 95,000 - 450,000• Mountains and forests are cool = 50,000 - 100,000• Green grass cover = 5,000 - 50,000• Urban = 100 - 2,000• Office space = 40 - 100• AC Space = 0 - 20 Sample CasesSample case.The pyramids in Egypt do have many mysteries. This time about the junk food left behind by visitors in the kings room where the mummies are stored. The garbage does not rot, just dries up. An animal carcass that happens to be inside is as dry as a mummy. The researchers who worked in the pyramid also felt his body was healthier and stronger, the stiff-linu was gone. What's inside the pyramid? We know, the process of decay occurs due to the activity of bacteria that describes the organic compounds in a material. Well, if the activity of these bacteria is stopped or restricted, an object will not rot.There are three environments that can stop bacterial activity. First, the environment with extreme temperatures. For example, very low temperatures in the poles or cooling spaces. Or the temperature is very high as in the volcanic crater. Second, in a vacuum of sorts in space. Third, in water containing a lot of sulfur (S). However, these three environmental conditions are not in the Egyptian pyramids. Then, what factors can stop bacterial activity in the pyramid, so they do not rot? Inquired had a search, the mystery was finally revealed. The reason is that many negative ions exist in the pyramid, especially in the king's room. The conclusion that negative ions as the culprits of all events in the pyramid are supported by a number of studies.An agricultural research institute in America for example, using chicken as the object of research. Chicken experiments were divided into two groups, each placed in a space containing bacteria. The first group space is entered by Negative Ion, while the second group space is left unharmed. After some time, the chicken in the first group remained healthy, while the chicken in the second group of klepek-klepek all died. Negative ions in the first group bind to bacteria in the air that tend to be positive. This formed bond causes the death of bacteria in the air so that the chicken remains healthy. In other words, Negative Ion can kill and stop bacterial activity.There are several ways to experience Negative Ion properties, for example, by walking around where many negative ions (eg, around waterfalls, fountains, rivers, forests, or parks), set up good air vents for air exchange a room with a new air containing negative ions or with a Negative Ionizer (a device that can emit Negative Ions), and can also shower using a shower (because the shower can also generate negative ions).After knowing let us realize how important Negative Ion to our health.
The ions present in the body include sodium, potassium, calcium. Everything is needed by the body. Sodium is the dominant positive ion in the extracellular fluid. The volume of extracellular fluid is regulated by the mechanism of homeostasis. The function of sodium for the body, among others, helps to maintain the balance of water, acids and bases in the extracellular fluid, as an ingredient of pancreatic, bile and sweat fluids, plays an important role in muscle contraction and nerve function, and plays a special role in carbohydrate absorption.
Potassium in food and in the body is found in the form of K + ions, both in solution and in salt form. Potassium functions for the body include cell growth, helping many biochemical reactions such as the release of energy from food, the synthesis of glycogen and proteins, regulating osmotic pressure in cells and controlling water distribution between intracellular and extracellular fluids, maintaining acid-base balance, nerve impulses, participating in the insulin release process of the pancreas, along with magnesium (Mg2 +) plays an important role in muscle relaxation which is the opposite of muscle stimulation by Ca2 +.
In the body, calcium, in the form of Ca2 + ions, is the most numerous metal ion and the fifth most abundant element in the body (after H, O, C and N) either by atom or by weight. More than 90 percent of the calcium is present in the bones and tooth enamel.
Calcium is needed in the process of body metabolism, nerve transmission, heartbeat regulation, muscle contraction, helps the process of fertilization, accelerate blood formation, activate the body's defense system and many more
The Potential Negative Ion BenefitsVarious research on the relationship of negative ion and health has been done since since a century ago among them by scientists from Germany and Russia. In 1919 the Russian physicist A. L. Tchijevsky first managed to explain the biological and physical actions of the unipolar ion. This success was continued by Tchijevsky with the concept of ionization of the air in the medical treatment process by creating high-voltage ionizers known as Lustre (1930), and demonstrating the biological and medical effects of negative ions on animal breathing and hypertensive patients as well as asthma.The mechanisms of biological and medical effects of the negative ions recently described later by AP Krueger of Germany in 1960. Krueger explained that by inhaling negative ions can lower serotonin levels in the blood. Serotonin is a type of depressant nerve hormone, which in which excess serotonin can lead to mental depression and can also cause narrowing of the respiratory tract. This is evidenced also by Sulman by experiments on patients affected by Sharaf or Hamsin winds who have 1000 times more serotonin increases than ordinary people, and recovered after negative ion therapy (1974). To find out more about the effects of Negative Ions on the serotonin, Professor Tomoo Ryusi from Tokyo Metropolitan University conducted an experiment on 10 athletes. Ryusi tried to observe the increased serotonin content of the blood after a 60-minute bike exercise. From the data obtained it is known that, for athletes who rest in the room containing Negative Ion 10.000 per cm3 found serotonin content decreased to 50% within 30 minutes. While the athletes in the room containing only Negative Ion 200-400 per cm3 serotonin content actually multiply. The athletes feel more relaxed in a room containing lots of Negative Ions.Fortunately, despite bearing a negative appendage to its name, free electrons have no negative impact on their new occupancy. It is precisely because of the pleasure of bonding that, the bacteria in the air who have a positive charge to lose the chance of life. In other words, negative ions are able to stop bacterial activity as well as send it to the afterlife. So the chicken in the first group can survive in good health wal afiat. Negative ions are easily found in places where the colliding water jets fall (10,000-14,000 ions / cm3), fountains (4,000 ions / cm3) and rivers (400 ions / cm3). In those places there is a collision between water molecules so that negative ions run around and change their status to free electrons. These free electrons will bind to molecules in the air (oxygen and carbon dioxide) to form negative ions.Then, how the history of negative ions can make the body strong and fit? Negative ions are scattered in the air into our bodies through the way of respiratory and skin pores. Inside the body, the negative ion will be distributed by the bloodstream. One of its ability is to describe lactic acid causes fatigue into harmless substances in the form of water and lactate ions. In that form, lactic acid will be more easily brought to the final dump. If not removed, the feeling of stiffness will continue to be felt because lactic acid is confined within the cell. Negative ions can also increase the working of the spleen to produce immunity. With these capabilities, the body will be better able to deal with virus attacks. So, humans will rarely be exposed to flu or illness caused by other viruses. That is why Negative Ion or Anion is also called "Air Vitamin".
Some of the benefits of Negative Ion:Negative ions in the air can enter the human body through the breathing and pores of the skin. This ion enters all cells in the body by riding the flow of blood flow. Negative ions in the body can decompose lactic acid into harmless substances (water and lactate ions) that are easily transported by the bloodstream to the disposal (when the body is tired and tense, lactic acid in the body will be confined within the cells resulting in an ache- sore).
• In addition Negative Ion has the ability to increase the work of the spleen in producing immune. Automatic body is able to deal with various viruses that enter. Influenza and other viral illnesses come into the body.
• Can clean the air and also good for health. Negative ions are also useful in killing viruses and bacteria that are in the air around us. Among them negative ions can kill the bacteria E. Coli (K. H. Kingdon, 1960), Micrococcus Pyogenes and Influenza virus (A. P. Krueger, 1976). Both Kindon and Krueger use negative ion concentrations of 50,000-5,000,000 per cm3 in these experiments.On the other hand Negative Ions are also known to be useful for neutralizing Superoxide. Superoxide in the blood that actually serves to kill microorganisms in the human body, sometimes just the opposite can actually damage the cells in the body if concentration levels are too high (I. Fridovich, 1960). Whereas the presence of Negative Ion will be able to increase the number of enzymes SOD (superoxide dismutase) which serves to reduce levels of superoksida in blood. Negative ion concentration in several different environments:Ion-level environment *• Waterfall = 95,000 - 450,000• Mountains and forests are cool = 50,000 - 100,000• Green grass cover = 5,000 - 50,000• Urban = 100 - 2,000• Office space = 40 - 100• AC Space = 0 - 20 Sample CasesSample case.The pyramids in Egypt do have many mysteries. This time about the junk food left behind by visitors in the kings room where the mummies are stored. The garbage does not rot, just dries up. An animal carcass that happens to be inside is as dry as a mummy. The researchers who worked in the pyramid also felt his body was healthier and stronger, the stiff-linu was gone. What's inside the pyramid? We know, the process of decay occurs due to the activity of bacteria that describes the organic compounds in a material. Well, if the activity of these bacteria is stopped or restricted, an object will not rot.There are three environments that can stop bacterial activity. First, the environment with extreme temperatures. For example, very low temperatures in the poles or cooling spaces. Or the temperature is very high as in the volcanic crater. Second, in a vacuum of sorts in space. Third, in water containing a lot of sulfur (S). However, these three environmental conditions are not in the Egyptian pyramids. Then, what factors can stop bacterial activity in the pyramid, so they do not rot? Inquired had a search, the mystery was finally revealed. The reason is that many negative ions exist in the pyramid, especially in the king's room. The conclusion that negative ions as the culprits of all events in the pyramid are supported by a number of studies.An agricultural research institute in America for example, using chicken as the object of research. Chicken experiments were divided into two groups, each placed in a space containing bacteria. The first group space is entered by Negative Ion, while the second group space is left unharmed. After some time, the chicken in the first group remained healthy, while the chicken in the second group of klepek-klepek all died. Negative ions in the first group bind to bacteria in the air that tend to be positive. This formed bond causes the death of bacteria in the air so that the chicken remains healthy. In other words, Negative Ion can kill and stop bacterial activity.There are several ways to experience Negative Ion properties, for example, by walking around where many negative ions (eg, around waterfalls, fountains, rivers, forests, or parks), set up good air vents for air exchange a room with a new air containing negative ions or with a Negative Ionizer (a device that can emit Negative Ions), and can also shower using a shower (because the shower can also generate negative ions).After knowing let us realize how important Negative Ion to our health.
Tanduran Obat Kanggo Kanker Otak
Dawane tikus tikus dikenal minangka
TuBan Xia utawa Laa Shu Yu ing basa
Tionghoa sing dikategorikake minangka semak.
Ing Malaysia, tikus-tikus taro
minangka tamba kanggo kanker kanker
sing dianjurake kanthi nggunakake
tetanduran kanthi cara medis kayata
kemoterapi utawa radioterapi.
Umume godhong umbi duweni
antineoplastik utawa antikanker
nanging uga bisa dadi khasiat antivirus,
pharmacology minangka obat utama
kanggo ngatasi kanker canggih.
Bagian sing digunakake kanggo
perawatan yaiku sakabehing tanduran.
Mulai saka werna (umbi-umbian),
apik yen diwenehake bebarengan
karo tanduran liya, kayata Sambiloto,
suket mutiara lan kumpul putih.
Kene ana sawetara situs godhong taro
kanggo kesehatan:
• Kanker payudara,
• Kanker paru-paru,
• Kanker titik-rectum, l
• iver,
• prostat,
• Kanker saka cervix,
• Kanker tenggorokan,
• Kanker tulang,
• Kanker otak,
• Kanker limpa,
• leukemia,
• empedu,
• pancreas
• hepatitis
Muga-muga informasi ing ndhuwur
Polisitemia Vera Info Kesehatan
Polycythemia Vera iku sawijining kelainan ing sel-sel prekursor getih, sing nyebabake sel getih abang sing ana ing jumlah sing akeh banget. Kelainan iki arang banget, sing mung nandhang limang yuta wong. Rata-rata didiagnosa ing 60 taun, nanging bisa dumadi ing umur sing luwih enom. Panyebab ora dingerteni.
Gejala kasebut ana
Senyawa getih abang sing luwih cepet bakal ningkatake volume getih lan nimbulake getih dadi luwih kenthel, saengga luwih angel ngelak liwat pembuluh getih cilik (hyperviskositas).
Jumlah sel getih abang bisa suwe sadurunge gejala kasebut.
Gejala wiwitan asring banget, lara, sirah, pusing lan ambegan.
Ana uga gangguan visual lan pasien bisa nduwe bintik-bintik sing buta utawa bisa ndeleng kelip-kelip cahya.
Pendarahan ing gums lan incisions cilik asring ana, lan kulit (utamané kulit) katon abang.
Pasien bisa ngrasakake gatal sak awak, utamane sawise nglangi.
Kaki lan panas panas (kaya kobong) lan kadhangkala balung bisa nandhang lara.
Ana sing bisa dadi ati sing enlarge lan limpa, sing nyebabake nyeri weteng sing muncul.
Keluwihan sel getih abang uga ana hubungane karo komplikasi liyane:
- ulcers lambung
- watu ginjel
- Gumpalan getih ing jero urat lan arteri sing bisa nimbulaké serangan jantung lan stroke lan bisa nyurung aliran getih ing tangan lan sikil.
Kadhangkala poliithemia vera berkembang dadi leukemia.
DIAGNOSAPolisitemia vera bisa didiagnosis ing tes getih rutin sing ditindakake kanthi alasan liyane, malah sadurunge pasien nuduhake gejala.
Tingkat hemoglobin (protein sing mawa oksigen ing sel getih abang) lan hematokrit (persentase sel getih abang ing volume getih total) sing dhuwur. Hematocrit luwih saka 54% ing wong lan luwih saka 49% wanita bisa ngetokake polycythemia, nanging diagnosis ora bisa dileksanakake mung ing nilai hematokrit piyambak.
Kanggo ngonfirmasi diagnosis, pemeriksaan sel getih abang wis dicap minangka zat radioaktif, sing bisa nemtokake jumlah total sel getih abang ing awak.
Kadhangkala biopsi sumsum balung ditindakake.
Nilai hematokrit sing dhuwur uga bisa nunjuk polycythemia relatif, ing endi jumlah sel darah merah normal nanging jumlah getih ing getih kurang.
Sel getih abang sing luwih gedhe amarga kahanan liya kajaba polycythemia vera disebut pyreththaemia sekunder; kaya mengkono ing tingkat oksigen sing kurang ing getih sing ngrangsang sumsum balung kanggo ngasilake sel getih sing luwih abang.
Mulane ningkatake jumlah sel getih abang bisa dumadi ing:
- pasien karo penyakit paru-paru kronis utawa penyakit jantung
- perokok
- wong sing manggon ing wilayah pegunungan.
Kanggo mbedakake polycythemia vera saka polimythemia sekunder, ngukur kadar oksigen ing sampel getih arteri. Yen tingkat oksigen kurang, polycythaemia sekunder.
Tingkat erythripoietin (hormon sing ngusulake pembentukan sel getih abang kanthi sumsum tulang) ing getih bisa uga diukur.
Tingkat banget kurang ditemokake ing pasien polycythemia vera, dene ing tingkat normal utawa dhuwur polycythemia vera.
Kadhangkala cysts ing ati utawa ginjal lan tumor ing ginjal utawa otak ngasilake erythropoietin, supaya wong sing nandhang lara uga nduweni tingkat erythropoietin sing dhuwur lan bisa nandhang polycythemia sekunder.
RAWUH Tujuan saka perawatan yaiku kanggo ngowahi pembentukan sel getih abang lan ngurangi jumlah sel getih abang.
Biasane getih dijupuk saka awak kanthi prosedur sing disebut flebotomy. Saben getih dicokot saben dina nganti angka hematokrit mulai mudhun. Yen nilai hematokrit wis tekan normal, banjur dijupuk saben wulan, yen perlu.
Ing sawetara pasien, pembentukan sel getih abang ing sumsum balung akselerasi, saingga jumlah trombosit ing getih mundhak utawa limpa lan jantung dilates.
Flebotomy uga nyebabake ningkatake jumlah platelet lan ora nyebabake nyuda ukuran organ, mula pasien perlu kemoterapi kanggo nyegah pembentukan sel darah. Biasane diwenehi obatan antikanker
Pengobatan Herbal Kanggo Penyakit Polycythaemia
Bawang putih (Allium sativum)
Bawang putih ora mung nyenengake masakanmu, nanging uga bisa memperlambat proses pembekuan darah, supaya pambentukan clots getih bisa dicegah. Khasiatnya minangka anti-koagulan kaya obat medis sing dikenal minangka aspirin. Mangkene papak uga kasebut minangka polycythemia obat. Nanging, yen sampeyan wis nggawe operasi supaya ora ngonsumsi bawang putih, obat-obatan polycythaemia sing ditampilake ing artikel iki minangka alternatif liya kanggo wong sing 'keluwihan sel getih abang'. Siji perawatan alternatif bisa ditindakake kanthi mangan tanduran, sayuran, utawa woh-wohan kanthi isi zat sing bisa ngatasi gejala sing disebabake polycythemia, saéngga bisa ngobati obatan medis kanthi risiko cilik lan biaya sing luwih cilik. Ayo ditlusuri sawetara úa ing tetanduran ing ngisor iki!
Abang Chilli (Cayenne / Capsicum annuum) - kanggo para penggemar hidangan pedhes, chili abang isih bisa ngadhepi. Nanging, sampeyan ngerti yen mrica abang uga digunakake ing bidhang kesehatan? Temtu, ora mung sumber vitamin C wae. Isi capsaicin ing mrica abang misale jek bisa nulungi gangguan sing ana gegayutan karo sirkulasi getih, luwih riset ing capsaicin kanggo ngobati penyakit jantung sing durung rampung.
Ginseng (Panax ginseng) - oyot saka tanduran iki wis digunakake kanggo akèh penyakit, sampeyan bisa uga wis krungu manawa bisa ngalami masalah kanggo fungsi seksual. Nanging ternyata manfaat liyane saka ginseng kanggo nggedhekake sistem kekebalan awak lan memperlambat proses pambentukan clots getih. Nanging, sampeyan kudu ati-ati amarga ginseng bisa nyusahake sampeyan turu disebut insomnia.
Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera) - jenis tanduran iki wis didol minangka campuran minuman sing padha karo 'klapa sari'. Nanging, kegunaane ora mung apik kanggo nyegah serangan 'panas internal' wae. Aloe vera uga bisa digunakake kanggo nambani gangguan kulit, kayata; abrasions kulit lan Burns entheng. Nanging, yen sampeyan duwe alergi kanggo papak, sampeyan uga duwe alergi menyang lidah buaya, banjur jaga.
Cat Claw (Cat's Claw / Uña de gato / Uncaria tomentosa) - tanduran iki luwih misuwur ing wilayah Spanyol utawa Portugis. Kekhususan cakar kucing kanggo ngrangsang sistem imun, bisa nambani pain tulang, ningkatake ndandani DNA, lan mbantu keletihan kronis. Kuku cakar bisa kaya obatan anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory drugs) lan anti-oksidan. Tanduran iki ora cocok kanggo wanita ngandhut utawa nyusoni ibu.
Sarang semut (Myrmecodia pendans) - asal saka tanduran Papua wis dikenal kanthi kuat ing ngobati kabeh jenis kanker. Amarga siji jenis komplikasi polisikit yaiku leukemia (jinis kanker getih), bisa dipigunakaké minangka obat polycythemia (nalika komplikasi diarani supaya tahap sing luwih dhuwur). Isi asam fenolat minangka senyawa sing bisa ngilangi penyebab kanker radikal bebas.
Bawang putih ora mung nyenengake masakanmu, nanging uga bisa memperlambat proses pembekuan darah, supaya pambentukan clots getih bisa dicegah. Khasiatnya minangka anti-koagulan kaya obat medis sing dikenal minangka aspirin. Mangkene papak uga kasebut minangka polycythemia obat. Nanging, yen sampeyan wis nggawe operasi supaya ora ngonsumsi bawang putih, obat-obatan polycythaemia sing ditampilake ing artikel iki minangka alternatif liya kanggo wong sing 'keluwihan sel getih abang'. Siji perawatan alternatif bisa ditindakake kanthi mangan tanduran, sayuran, utawa woh-wohan kanthi isi zat sing bisa ngatasi gejala sing disebabake polycythemia, saéngga bisa ngobati obatan medis kanthi risiko cilik lan biaya sing luwih cilik. Ayo ditlusuri sawetara úa ing tetanduran ing ngisor iki!
Abang Chilli (Cayenne / Capsicum annuum) - kanggo para penggemar hidangan pedhes, chili abang isih bisa ngadhepi. Nanging, sampeyan ngerti yen mrica abang uga digunakake ing bidhang kesehatan? Temtu, ora mung sumber vitamin C wae. Isi capsaicin ing mrica abang misale jek bisa nulungi gangguan sing ana gegayutan karo sirkulasi getih, luwih riset ing capsaicin kanggo ngobati penyakit jantung sing durung rampung.
Ginseng (Panax ginseng) - oyot saka tanduran iki wis digunakake kanggo akèh penyakit, sampeyan bisa uga wis krungu manawa bisa ngalami masalah kanggo fungsi seksual. Nanging ternyata manfaat liyane saka ginseng kanggo nggedhekake sistem kekebalan awak lan memperlambat proses pambentukan clots getih. Nanging, sampeyan kudu ati-ati amarga ginseng bisa nyusahake sampeyan turu disebut insomnia.
Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera) - jenis tanduran iki wis didol minangka campuran minuman sing padha karo 'klapa sari'. Nanging, kegunaane ora mung apik kanggo nyegah serangan 'panas internal' wae. Aloe vera uga bisa digunakake kanggo nambani gangguan kulit, kayata; abrasions kulit lan Burns entheng. Nanging, yen sampeyan duwe alergi kanggo papak, sampeyan uga duwe alergi menyang lidah buaya, banjur jaga.
Cat Claw (Cat's Claw / Uña de gato / Uncaria tomentosa) - tanduran iki luwih misuwur ing wilayah Spanyol utawa Portugis. Kekhususan cakar kucing kanggo ngrangsang sistem imun, bisa nambani pain tulang, ningkatake ndandani DNA, lan mbantu keletihan kronis. Kuku cakar bisa kaya obatan anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory drugs) lan anti-oksidan. Tanduran iki ora cocok kanggo wanita ngandhut utawa nyusoni ibu.
Sarang semut (Myrmecodia pendans) - asal saka tanduran Papua wis dikenal kanthi kuat ing ngobati kabeh jenis kanker. Amarga siji jenis komplikasi polisikit yaiku leukemia (jinis kanker getih), bisa dipigunakaké minangka obat polycythemia (nalika komplikasi diarani supaya tahap sing luwih dhuwur). Isi asam fenolat minangka senyawa sing bisa ngilangi penyebab kanker radikal bebas.
Manfaat coklat lan bahayane
10 Manfaat Coklat kanggo Kesehatan
1. Nyegah Kanker Coklat ngandung senyawa sing disebut pentameric procyanidin utawa pentamer, sing serves kanggo nyegah panyebaran sel kanker. 2. Nglindhungi kulit Miturut ilmuwan Jerman, flavonoid sing ditemokake ing coklat nduweni peran kanggo njaga kulit saka sinar UV saka srengenge. 3. Ngewangi Kesehatan Brain Coklat ngandhut antioksidan vitamin C lan flavonoid karo komponen utama kayata Polifenol catechin, epicatechins, lan procyandins sing bantuan otak sehat lan sistem gemeter, uga kanggo nyegah karusakan sing disebabake dening radikal bebas. Kajaba iku, coklat uga bisa ningkatake tingkat serotonin ing otak sing bisa ningkatake efisiensi otak lan memori. 4. Njaga Kesehatan Jantung Flavonoid sing ana ing coklat, kayata epicatechin lan asam gallic banget efektif kanggo njaga kesehatan jantung. Banjur, senadyan asam stearat dadi asam lemak jenuh, nanging ora nyedhaki tingkat kolesterol, bisa uga nyuda kasempatan serangan jantung. Sifat antioksidan saka flavonoid uga njaga jantung saka karusakan sing disebabake dening radikal bebas. 5. Nyetel swasana ati Coklat uga ngandhut kafein (sanadyan ora minangka akeh minangka warung) yaiku alkaloid, theobromine lan phenylethylamine, kang banget efektif ing ngatur swasana ati. Coklat uga ngandhut tryptophan sing nduweni efek menenangka, utamane ing kasus-kasus stres utawa ing kondisi sing nyebabake emosi ora dikontrol.
6. Managing Blood PressureFlavonoid ing coklat ngandhut Polifenol kayata catechins, epicatechins, lan procyandins sing dianggo kanggo nambah tingkat oksida nitrat ing getih, saéngga ngewangi kanggo njaga tekanan getih.7. Protection saka campur tangan MbebayaniIsi Polifenol, flavonoid lan vitamin C sing ana ing coklat yaiku antioksidan sing serves kanggo nyilikake efek saka free radikal lan waras karusakan disebabake radiations obyek mbebayani. isi uga banget efektif ing kelainan gadhah mboten saget ngarsane lan pangrungon, otak, kamudhunan macular, lan kelainan neurologikal nyegah.
8. Marasake awakmu Pain watuk lan coldsIng ngarsane vitamin C, alkaloid lan flavonoid sing ana ing coklat ono gunane kanggo ngobati watuk lan colds. asam lemak kayata asam stearic, asam palmitic lan asam oleic ing iku uga ono gunane kanggo ngurangi perih tenggorok disebabake watuk ngengkel.
9. Nyegah DiabetesCoklat ngandhut alkaloid kayata kafein nduweni rasa pait. Bitterness alkaloid serves kanggo neutralize gula ing getih. Uga stimulates ing metune saka rempelo lan insulin kang bakal bantuan tingkat gula darah.Tambah 10. Energyasam lemak kayata asam stearic lan asam palmitic (loro kebak) lan asam oleic (unsaturated) mbantu kanggo gain bobot lan nyedhiyani energi.
Efek Sampingan Browning Berlebihan
Coklat nduweni kalori lan gula dhuwur. Mulane, yen wong ing diet utawa pengin ngilangi bobot, iku dianjurake supaya ora ngonsumsi coklat gedhe banget. Kajaba iku, tingkat gula sing ditemokake ing coklat bisa dadi sabab tumrap sirah gigi yen dikonsumsi kanthi terus-terusan.
Ana studi sing nuduhake yen coklat bisa nimbulake osteoporosis. Sinau, diterbitake ing The American Journal of Nutrition Clinical, wis ngenalake hubungan antara mangan coklat lan kepadatan tulang. Sinau nyimpulake yen "wanita lawas sing ngonsumsi cokelat saben dina nduweni kerapatan tulang sing luwih murah"
1. Nyegah Kanker Coklat ngandung senyawa sing disebut pentameric procyanidin utawa pentamer, sing serves kanggo nyegah panyebaran sel kanker. 2. Nglindhungi kulit Miturut ilmuwan Jerman, flavonoid sing ditemokake ing coklat nduweni peran kanggo njaga kulit saka sinar UV saka srengenge. 3. Ngewangi Kesehatan Brain Coklat ngandhut antioksidan vitamin C lan flavonoid karo komponen utama kayata Polifenol catechin, epicatechins, lan procyandins sing bantuan otak sehat lan sistem gemeter, uga kanggo nyegah karusakan sing disebabake dening radikal bebas. Kajaba iku, coklat uga bisa ningkatake tingkat serotonin ing otak sing bisa ningkatake efisiensi otak lan memori. 4. Njaga Kesehatan Jantung Flavonoid sing ana ing coklat, kayata epicatechin lan asam gallic banget efektif kanggo njaga kesehatan jantung. Banjur, senadyan asam stearat dadi asam lemak jenuh, nanging ora nyedhaki tingkat kolesterol, bisa uga nyuda kasempatan serangan jantung. Sifat antioksidan saka flavonoid uga njaga jantung saka karusakan sing disebabake dening radikal bebas. 5. Nyetel swasana ati Coklat uga ngandhut kafein (sanadyan ora minangka akeh minangka warung) yaiku alkaloid, theobromine lan phenylethylamine, kang banget efektif ing ngatur swasana ati. Coklat uga ngandhut tryptophan sing nduweni efek menenangka, utamane ing kasus-kasus stres utawa ing kondisi sing nyebabake emosi ora dikontrol.
6. Managing Blood PressureFlavonoid ing coklat ngandhut Polifenol kayata catechins, epicatechins, lan procyandins sing dianggo kanggo nambah tingkat oksida nitrat ing getih, saéngga ngewangi kanggo njaga tekanan getih.7. Protection saka campur tangan MbebayaniIsi Polifenol, flavonoid lan vitamin C sing ana ing coklat yaiku antioksidan sing serves kanggo nyilikake efek saka free radikal lan waras karusakan disebabake radiations obyek mbebayani. isi uga banget efektif ing kelainan gadhah mboten saget ngarsane lan pangrungon, otak, kamudhunan macular, lan kelainan neurologikal nyegah.
8. Marasake awakmu Pain watuk lan coldsIng ngarsane vitamin C, alkaloid lan flavonoid sing ana ing coklat ono gunane kanggo ngobati watuk lan colds. asam lemak kayata asam stearic, asam palmitic lan asam oleic ing iku uga ono gunane kanggo ngurangi perih tenggorok disebabake watuk ngengkel.
9. Nyegah DiabetesCoklat ngandhut alkaloid kayata kafein nduweni rasa pait. Bitterness alkaloid serves kanggo neutralize gula ing getih. Uga stimulates ing metune saka rempelo lan insulin kang bakal bantuan tingkat gula darah.Tambah 10. Energyasam lemak kayata asam stearic lan asam palmitic (loro kebak) lan asam oleic (unsaturated) mbantu kanggo gain bobot lan nyedhiyani energi.
Efek Sampingan Browning Berlebihan
Coklat nduweni kalori lan gula dhuwur. Mulane, yen wong ing diet utawa pengin ngilangi bobot, iku dianjurake supaya ora ngonsumsi coklat gedhe banget. Kajaba iku, tingkat gula sing ditemokake ing coklat bisa dadi sabab tumrap sirah gigi yen dikonsumsi kanthi terus-terusan.
Ana studi sing nuduhake yen coklat bisa nimbulake osteoporosis. Sinau, diterbitake ing The American Journal of Nutrition Clinical, wis ngenalake hubungan antara mangan coklat lan kepadatan tulang. Sinau nyimpulake yen "wanita lawas sing ngonsumsi cokelat saben dina nduweni kerapatan tulang sing luwih murah"
Mangan Sayuran lan Buah Wijine Cara Tengen Kanggo Njaga Kesehatan
Njaga kesehatan nganggo diet sayuran lan woh-wohan
Sayuran lan woh-wohan rong perkara sing ora bisa dipisahake. Loro-lorone mengandung vitamin lan mineral, uga serat sing perlu awak saben dina. Sawetara vitamins lan mineral penting sing ana ing sayuran lan woh-wohan yaiku vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, seng, kalium, fosfor, lan asam folat. Bahan kasebut bisa uga ketemu karo kabutuhan nutrisi, sing uga migunani kanggo nyegah macem-macem penyakit. Contone, kalium ing pisang bisa mbiyantu nyuda tekanan darah tinggi, ngurangi risiko mundhut massa tulang, lan nyegah watu ginjel.
Serat ing sayuran lan woh-wohan uga penting banget kanggo nyegah macem-macem penyakit, kayata penyakit jantung, diabetes, stroke, lan penyakit sing gegayutan karo sistem pencernaan. Iki amarga serat bisa mbantu sampeyan ngedhunake kolesterol ala, ngontrol tingkat gula getih, nyerna sistem pencernaan, lan nggawe sampeyan luwih puas supaya ora overeat.
Isi sayur lan woh nutrisi adhedhasar werna
Werna warna sing ana ing sayuran lan woh-wohan uga diarani nduweni makna saben loh. Iki tegese:
Sayuran abang lan woh-wohan (kayata tomat lan tembikar) ngemot lycopene. Lycopene iki bisa mbantu awak nglawan kanker tartamtu, kayata kanker prostat, lan uga penyakit jantung.
Sayuran ijo lan woh-wohan (kayata bayem, kale, lan brokoli) ngandhut lutein lan zeaxanthin. Zat loro kasebut bisa mbiyantu nyegah penyakit mata, kayata katarak.
Sayur-sayuran lan woh-wohan sing biru lan ungu (kayadene terong lan blueberry) sing ngandung anthocyanin. Anthocyanins uga bisa mbantu awak supaya ora nyegah kanker.
Sayuran putih lan woh-wohan (kayadene cauliflower) ngemot sulforaphane. Zat iki uga bisa nglindhungi awak saka macem-macem jinis kanker.
How to get rid of keloid naturally
For more details, you can immediately see how to eliminate keloid naturally below.
1. affection
Humectant with restorative properties is highly recommended by alternative physicians in terms of handling keloid. No need to bother, just use keloid with honey regularly for several weeks to grasp and fade keloid container color gradually.
2. aloe vera
In addition to many benefits for the hair, aloe vera can be used to treat keloid. Here the content of aloe vera will help reduce inflammation, maintain skin moisture, and heal the damaged skin.
Immediately you apply as follows:
The scar area is cleaned first with warm water.
Attach the aloe vera gel to the keloid, then let stand for 30 minutes and wash with cold water.
How to remove keloid by using aloe vera is the simplest natural method and does not spend much money let alone energy.
3. Lemon juice Lemon juice provides vitamin C as an antioxidant that can support the health of the body as well as skin beauty. Lemon juice is also effective to treat keloid and some other types of injuries. How to treat keloid with lemon juice alone is not difficult:
Make lemon juice with a little water, which means the lemon juice is still slightly thick.
Apply lemon juice to the skin area panting with keloid.
Leave for half an hour, then wipe with warm water to avoid sticking.Over time keloids will disappear significantly, you just need to do it consistently. Baking SodaSoda baking is involved in the removal of keloid with the role of exfoliation and skin distillation. How to use it is as follows:
Create a fine medicine or cream by combining two ingredients in one piece of soda tray with three parts hydrogen peroxide.
Apply a cream or medicine that already exists in the keloid area, its function is to reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process.You can use this natural method three to four times a day, depending on whether you have scars or not. Apple Apple Apples Pure vinegar that has been processed to produce essence can be used to remove keloids. This is a traditional method that can be done at home, the function of pure apple cider vinegar is to shrink and remove the reddish scar that stands out.Here is the treatment guide:
Use a brush to rub a prominent scar, then give a gentle touch of time to pure apple cider vinegar absorbed into the skin.
Wait until apple juice is dry, then repeat this process at least 3 times a day for faster recovery.Are you sensitive to apple cider vinegar ?, eg annoying, immediately switch to another way or can dilute the apple cider by adding some water into the mixture.
There seems to be no health information about how to get rid of keloids. Because here are two traditional and medical methods, you do not need to be confused with which one. You can choose it, then try, if the result is positive then continue, and vice versa.
1. affection
Humectant with restorative properties is highly recommended by alternative physicians in terms of handling keloid. No need to bother, just use keloid with honey regularly for several weeks to grasp and fade keloid container color gradually.
2. aloe vera
In addition to many benefits for the hair, aloe vera can be used to treat keloid. Here the content of aloe vera will help reduce inflammation, maintain skin moisture, and heal the damaged skin.
Immediately you apply as follows:
The scar area is cleaned first with warm water.
Attach the aloe vera gel to the keloid, then let stand for 30 minutes and wash with cold water.
How to remove keloid by using aloe vera is the simplest natural method and does not spend much money let alone energy.
3. Lemon juice Lemon juice provides vitamin C as an antioxidant that can support the health of the body as well as skin beauty. Lemon juice is also effective to treat keloid and some other types of injuries. How to treat keloid with lemon juice alone is not difficult:
Make lemon juice with a little water, which means the lemon juice is still slightly thick.
Apply lemon juice to the skin area panting with keloid.
Leave for half an hour, then wipe with warm water to avoid sticking.Over time keloids will disappear significantly, you just need to do it consistently. Baking SodaSoda baking is involved in the removal of keloid with the role of exfoliation and skin distillation. How to use it is as follows:
Create a fine medicine or cream by combining two ingredients in one piece of soda tray with three parts hydrogen peroxide.
Apply a cream or medicine that already exists in the keloid area, its function is to reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process.You can use this natural method three to four times a day, depending on whether you have scars or not. Apple Apple Apples Pure vinegar that has been processed to produce essence can be used to remove keloids. This is a traditional method that can be done at home, the function of pure apple cider vinegar is to shrink and remove the reddish scar that stands out.Here is the treatment guide:
Use a brush to rub a prominent scar, then give a gentle touch of time to pure apple cider vinegar absorbed into the skin.
Wait until apple juice is dry, then repeat this process at least 3 times a day for faster recovery.Are you sensitive to apple cider vinegar ?, eg annoying, immediately switch to another way or can dilute the apple cider by adding some water into the mixture.
There seems to be no health information about how to get rid of keloids. Because here are two traditional and medical methods, you do not need to be confused with which one. You can choose it, then try, if the result is positive then continue, and vice versa.
Tips Menghilangkan Keloid dalam Pengobatan
Anda tahu tentang seluk-beluk untuk mencegah keloid, pada tahap ini
saya akan memberitahu Anda bagaimana cara menghilangkan keloid dengan
cepat. Ya, itu tidak terlalu cepat, dibutuhkan proses sesaat, tapi selama
Anda rutin dan konsisten, bisa dipastikan bekas luka melotot hilang dari
sirkulasi, yang berarti permukaan.
Berikut cara menghilangkan keloid yang telah terbukti efektif menghilangkan keloid pada pasien yang mengeluh.
Injeksi kortison (injeksi steroid intralysis)
Cara menghilangkan keloid pertama ini adalah cara yang cukup efektif. Menggunakan suntikan keloid secara bertahap bisa membantu mengecilkan bekas luka yang menonjol. Anda tidak perlu khawatir untuk pergi seperti ini, karena injeksi kortison sangat aman dan tidak terlalu menyakitkan.
Biasanya, injeksi dilakukan sebulan sekali untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal. Secara bertahap keloid akan mengecil dan mengempis, namun dalam beberapa kasus injeksi steroid juga bisa membuat keloid menjadi rata dan berwarna kemerahan. Hal ini bisa terjadi karena injeksi steroid akan merangsang terbentuknya pembuluh darah superfisial, jika hal ini bisa diatasi dengan menggunakan laser.
Namun, terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa keloid belum tampak mencolok, hasil terbaik tetap akan meninggalkan bekas pada kulit yang bisa dilihat mata, permukaannya cukup kasar, dan memiliki warna yang berbeda dibanding warna kulit normal.
Keloid akan mengecil dan berwarna kemerahan karena keloid akan memudar sesuai dengan jumlah terapi laser yang Anda lakukan. Karena cara menghilangkan keloid dengan laser ini membutuhkan beberapa sesi terapi, banyak orang memilih cara lain karena biaya perawatan ini kurang dari kebutuhan akan stadium terapeutik.
CrytotherapyCrytotherapy cukup aman, tapi membuat Anda gemar memakainya untuk memilih cara ini. Karena krioterapi dilakukan dengan cara membekukan keloid menggunakan nitrogen cair yang akan membuat keloid rata, namun sering meninggalkan warna gelap pada kulit.
Metode ini digunakan untuk membunuh sel keloid dengan tahap kemoterapi menggunakan obat keloid. Metode fluorouracil dilakukan dengan menyuntikkan agen kemoterapi ini, baik sendiri atau bersamaan dengan steroid, juga telah digunakan untuk pengobatan keloid.
Dari hasil penelitian, dokter meyakini bahwa radiasi adalah cara yang paling efektif dan aman untuk menghilangkan keloid. Tapi tidak ada yang tahu persis bagaimana prosesnya kecuali dokter secara khusus menangani masalah ini.
Berikut cara menghilangkan keloid yang telah terbukti efektif menghilangkan keloid pada pasien yang mengeluh.
Injeksi kortison (injeksi steroid intralysis)
Cara menghilangkan keloid pertama ini adalah cara yang cukup efektif. Menggunakan suntikan keloid secara bertahap bisa membantu mengecilkan bekas luka yang menonjol. Anda tidak perlu khawatir untuk pergi seperti ini, karena injeksi kortison sangat aman dan tidak terlalu menyakitkan.
Biasanya, injeksi dilakukan sebulan sekali untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal. Secara bertahap keloid akan mengecil dan mengempis, namun dalam beberapa kasus injeksi steroid juga bisa membuat keloid menjadi rata dan berwarna kemerahan. Hal ini bisa terjadi karena injeksi steroid akan merangsang terbentuknya pembuluh darah superfisial, jika hal ini bisa diatasi dengan menggunakan laser.
Namun, terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa keloid belum tampak mencolok, hasil terbaik tetap akan meninggalkan bekas pada kulit yang bisa dilihat mata, permukaannya cukup kasar, dan memiliki warna yang berbeda dibanding warna kulit normal.
Keloid akan mengecil dan berwarna kemerahan karena keloid akan memudar sesuai dengan jumlah terapi laser yang Anda lakukan. Karena cara menghilangkan keloid dengan laser ini membutuhkan beberapa sesi terapi, banyak orang memilih cara lain karena biaya perawatan ini kurang dari kebutuhan akan stadium terapeutik.
CrytotherapyCrytotherapy cukup aman, tapi membuat Anda gemar memakainya untuk memilih cara ini. Karena krioterapi dilakukan dengan cara membekukan keloid menggunakan nitrogen cair yang akan membuat keloid rata, namun sering meninggalkan warna gelap pada kulit.
Metode ini digunakan untuk membunuh sel keloid dengan tahap kemoterapi menggunakan obat keloid. Metode fluorouracil dilakukan dengan menyuntikkan agen kemoterapi ini, baik sendiri atau bersamaan dengan steroid, juga telah digunakan untuk pengobatan keloid.
Dari hasil penelitian, dokter meyakini bahwa radiasi adalah cara yang paling efektif dan aman untuk menghilangkan keloid. Tapi tidak ada yang tahu persis bagaimana prosesnya kecuali dokter secara khusus menangani masalah ini.
Cara Mencegah Keloid
Sehingga jumlah keloid tidak menyebar ke bagian lain dari kulit, sangat disarankan agar Anda segera melakukan tindakan pencegahan. Tapi bagaimana mencegah keloid muncul di bagian tubuh yang lain?
Hanya ada satu cara yang bisa dikatakan mudah dan bisa jadi sulit, sejauh mungkin untuk menghindari cedera, termasuk prosedur operasi jika tidak terlalu kritis terhadap situasi, seperti operasi plastik, injeksi hidung dan sebagainya.
Pendapat Dokter dan Para Ahli Mengenai Pentingnya Air Alkali bagi Tubuh Manusia
There are many competent
people like doctors or experts who have been writing articles, books,
videos, etc. about the importance of alkaline water based on their
research over the years and they are happy to share their knowledge free
of charge to the world. We are fortunate to
easily find useful information from the internet that will add to our
knowledge of the importance of health, both our own health and the
people around us, and how to live a healthy life where one of them is
with an alkaline lifestyle.
Here are excerpts from doctors, experts, book authors and people who are competent in their field about their research on alkaline water.
Dr. Hiromi Shinya, MDHere are excerpts from doctors, experts, book authors and people who are competent in their field about their research on alkaline water.
Surgeon and Author of Best Seller's "The Enzyme Factor" Healthcare Book, "The Miracle of Enzyme", "Microbe Factor", "The Magic of the Enzyme Awet Young"

"You can use electrical methods to make water that has a strong reduction capability (Kangen Water) .There is a purifying apparatus that ionizes and creates this type of water through electrolysis process ... when electrolysis occurs, active hydrogen is also produced, serves to remove free radicals from the body.The result is what I call "good water", pure, clean alkaline water with rich mineral content Good water means water that has a strong reduction force that is not polluted by chemical pollution To meet the water requirement enough everyday, even water used for cooking, I believe it is important to buy and use water purification devices that have a strong reduction force. "
author's note: in the book "The Miracle of Enzyme" (Gold Edition) which has been translated into Indonesian (publisher publisher Qanita, PT Mizan Pustaka which can be found in Gramedia bookstore), on page 193, Dr. Hiromi Shinya said about the water he meant was Kangen Water.
Sang Whang
Author of "Reverse Aging" (Awet Young)

Dr. Howard Hay (1930)

"… people who have a blood content that is acidic likely to be affected by the disease. People who have alkaline body levels are healthy people. When
food is metabolized, the acid is produced in the body which is then
neutralized by an alkaline salt (carbonate) consisting of calcium,
magnesium, potassium and sodium. Foods that contain chlorine, phosphorus, sulfur and nitrogen, animal flesh and refined carbohydrates tend to be acidic. "
Why is my testicle big? what's the problem?
Keep in mind beforehand that the anatomical structure of the human body has several variations of normal form found. In
one individual, however, this variation can be found as the left
testicle looks more descended than the right testes in males, or the
left breast appears larger than the right one in women. As long as this difference is not conspicuous (50% between the right
and the left), then this condition can be said to be normal.
Keep in mind also the consistency of your testicles, whether the more enlarged and palpable hard. Does it look bigger when you are straining or coughing and so on. Some diseases can cause this like Varikokel.
Varicose veins in the scrotum are known in the medical world as varicocele. Varicocele is the dilation of the veins of the veins in the scrotum (scrotum sacs) that are directed at the testes. Blood flow in the veins is regulated by a 1-way valve that prevents blood flow back. Disturbed valve function or suppression of the venous blood vessels may cause enlargement of the veins that lead to the formation of varicocele.
From the examination can be seen the swelling or lump on the pockets of the testicle that feels pain and weight that if touched feels like holding a bag containing many worms. Here we will explain about simple inspection procedures that you can do yourself.
Inspection procedure
The examination is done in a standing position. First of all note the condition of the testicle sac then touched. If necessary, the examination can be done by striking or performing a maneuver, ie exhaling maximally in closed mouth and nose (valsalva maneuver). If there is a varicocele, then on examination see and touch can be found a lump like a collection of worms in a bag located above the testes (testicles). If there is a large degree varicocele, then the shape can already be seen without having to do touch with / without maneuver valsalva / mengedan. In a moderate varicocele, the varicocele can be found by palpation without valsalva / tedling maneuvers. Whereas small degree varicoceles require palpation with the help of valsalva / tedling maneuvers to find it.
However, it is sometimes difficult to find a clinical varicocele although there are other signs that support it. In these circumstances aids are needed that can detect an increase in blood flow in the woven blood vessels of the testes. And this examination should be done by a competent doctor in his field. Therefore unfortunately we can not confirm whether the lump you are complaining of is varikocel or not. We recommend that you bring your brother to a urine surgeon for treatment according to the cause.
Testicular cancer is a malignant or malignant tumor in the testes. The incidence of this incidence rarely strikes young age.
Without checking, of course my explanation below is very limited. But if it is true that your right testicle is smaller, it means that the testicles are already down and in the pocket.
Otherwise, where did you or the doctor ever check the smaller sums? If your right testicle is smaller, the testes may be less or not working. As a result your fertility may be disturbed.
But there are times when fertility is not disturbed, that is, if the normal testes function more strongly as if taking over the function of the abnormal testes. To be sure, of course you need a correct examination and confirmed again with the examination of sperm.
Surgery to remove the testes is only done if the testes do not go down into the sac
Keep in mind also the consistency of your testicles, whether the more enlarged and palpable hard. Does it look bigger when you are straining or coughing and so on. Some diseases can cause this like Varikokel.
Varicose veins in the scrotum are known in the medical world as varicocele. Varicocele is the dilation of the veins of the veins in the scrotum (scrotum sacs) that are directed at the testes. Blood flow in the veins is regulated by a 1-way valve that prevents blood flow back. Disturbed valve function or suppression of the venous blood vessels may cause enlargement of the veins that lead to the formation of varicocele.
From the examination can be seen the swelling or lump on the pockets of the testicle that feels pain and weight that if touched feels like holding a bag containing many worms. Here we will explain about simple inspection procedures that you can do yourself.
Inspection procedure
The examination is done in a standing position. First of all note the condition of the testicle sac then touched. If necessary, the examination can be done by striking or performing a maneuver, ie exhaling maximally in closed mouth and nose (valsalva maneuver). If there is a varicocele, then on examination see and touch can be found a lump like a collection of worms in a bag located above the testes (testicles). If there is a large degree varicocele, then the shape can already be seen without having to do touch with / without maneuver valsalva / mengedan. In a moderate varicocele, the varicocele can be found by palpation without valsalva / tedling maneuvers. Whereas small degree varicoceles require palpation with the help of valsalva / tedling maneuvers to find it.
However, it is sometimes difficult to find a clinical varicocele although there are other signs that support it. In these circumstances aids are needed that can detect an increase in blood flow in the woven blood vessels of the testes. And this examination should be done by a competent doctor in his field. Therefore unfortunately we can not confirm whether the lump you are complaining of is varikocel or not. We recommend that you bring your brother to a urine surgeon for treatment according to the cause.
Testicular cancer is a malignant or malignant tumor in the testes. The incidence of this incidence rarely strikes young age.
Without checking, of course my explanation below is very limited. But if it is true that your right testicle is smaller, it means that the testicles are already down and in the pocket.
Otherwise, where did you or the doctor ever check the smaller sums? If your right testicle is smaller, the testes may be less or not working. As a result your fertility may be disturbed.
But there are times when fertility is not disturbed, that is, if the normal testes function more strongly as if taking over the function of the abnormal testes. To be sure, of course you need a correct examination and confirmed again with the examination of sperm.
Surgery to remove the testes is only done if the testes do not go down into the sac
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