Benefits of Chocolate for Health

1. High antioxidantsThat's right besidesit tastes goodturns browncontains antioxidantswhich is quite high.The content of chocolate ieflavanols, a kindflavanoid containedon chocolate isgood antioxidantsfor the body.2. Prevent and fightCancerWell .. it turns browncan also fight andprevent cancerlike grapesred, garlic,blueberries and tea. Likewhere chocolate can befight and preventcancer. From researchThe brown caninhibit divisioncancer cells andreduce inflammation.3. Lowering PressureBloodThe benefits of chocolateothers according to researchis loweredblood pressure.the chocolate contentmake the mood betterwas ablelower the pressureblood.4. Make LongevityChocolate also containssubstances capableslow agingwhich means climbingwe are long ages.Consumption of chocolate in aregularly can reducewrinkles and protectsskin from burning rayssun.Not only that resultsresearch conductedin the Netherlands followed200 men over 20 years old,found that paramen who consumelarge amounts of chocolate,be it brownmilk and dark chocolate,live longer and havelower the levelthe ills of the godthan men who eatchocolate in quantitylittle or noat all.To strengthen resultsfrom research in the Netherlandsthe onenamed JeanneLouise Calment onethe oldest person with agelong lifeuntil the age of 122has a long recipeage, that is heconsume darkchocolate for 2.5 poundsin a week.5. Increase Passion /libidoChocolate is also aaphrodisiac, ie aslibido enhancersomeone. According toresearch, women loverschocolate has a passionsex higher thanin women who swearconsume chocolate.They revealed,consume a stickchocolate before sexcan provide flavorrelax and deep satisfactionsexual activitysomeone.6. Eliminate StressChocolate is also consideredas one of thefood can berepel stress. According toresearch from the UniversityCalifornia, Sandiego, peoplethat stress, start frommild stress levelto the level of depression,they claim to eatchocolate when moodthey are upset or badmood.Why is that?Apparently, chocolate toocontains moleculespsychoactive coursemake consumechocolate feels comfortable.Some contentchocolate like caffeine,theobromine, methyl-xanthine andphenylethylalan inetrusted canimprove mood,reduce fatigueso it can be usedas an anti-depressant drug.Well that's the benefits of chocolatefor our health.Hopefully with the existencethis info addsinsight buddy buddythe positive benefits of chocolate.

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