The importance of ION in the body

The ion function is very large for the body. Nutritionist from Sehati Emmilia E. Achmadi MSc mentions, body ions are fuels that activate the whole series of limbs. "To move needed ions. If there is no ion then there is no stun and automatically all members of the body will shut down "he explained. Emmilia explains that the ions must be constantly replaced every day because it is always wasted every time we move.

The ions present in the body include sodium, potassium, calcium. Everything is needed by the body. Sodium is the dominant positive ion in the extracellular fluid. The volume of extracellular fluid is regulated by the mechanism of homeostasis. The function of sodium for the body, among others, helps to maintain the balance of water, acids and bases in the extracellular fluid, as an ingredient of pancreatic, bile and sweat fluids, plays an important role in muscle contraction and nerve function, and plays a special role in carbohydrate absorption.

Potassium in food and in the body is found in the form of K + ions, both in solution and in salt form. Potassium functions for the body include cell growth, helping many biochemical reactions such as the release of energy from food, the synthesis of glycogen and proteins, regulating osmotic pressure in cells and controlling water distribution between intracellular and extracellular fluids, maintaining acid-base balance, nerve impulses, participating in the insulin release process of the pancreas, along with magnesium (Mg2 +) plays an important role in muscle relaxation which is the opposite of muscle stimulation by Ca2 +.
In the body, calcium, in the form of Ca2 + ions, is the most numerous metal ion and the fifth most abundant element in the body (after H, O, C and N) either by atom or by weight. More than 90 percent of the calcium is present in the bones and tooth enamel.
Calcium is needed in the process of body metabolism, nerve transmission, heartbeat regulation, muscle contraction, helps the process of fertilization, accelerate blood formation, activate the body's defense system and many more

 The Potential Negative Ion BenefitsVarious research on the relationship of negative ion and health has been done since since a century ago among them by scientists from Germany and Russia. In 1919 the Russian physicist A. L. Tchijevsky first managed to explain the biological and physical actions of the unipolar ion. This success was continued by Tchijevsky with the concept of ionization of the air in the medical treatment process by creating high-voltage ionizers known as Lustre (1930), and demonstrating the biological and medical effects of negative ions on animal breathing and hypertensive patients as well as asthma.The mechanisms of biological and medical effects of the negative ions recently described later by AP Krueger of Germany in 1960. Krueger explained that by inhaling negative ions can lower serotonin levels in the blood. Serotonin is a type of depressant nerve hormone, which in which excess serotonin can lead to mental depression and can also cause narrowing of the respiratory tract. This is evidenced also by Sulman by experiments on patients affected by Sharaf or Hamsin winds who have 1000 times more serotonin increases than ordinary people, and recovered after negative ion therapy (1974). To find out more about the effects of Negative Ions on the serotonin, Professor Tomoo Ryusi from Tokyo Metropolitan University conducted an experiment on 10 athletes. Ryusi tried to observe the increased serotonin content of the blood after a 60-minute bike exercise. From the data obtained it is known that, for athletes who rest in the room containing Negative Ion 10.000 per cm3 found serotonin content decreased to 50% within 30 minutes. While the athletes in the room containing only Negative Ion 200-400 per cm3 serotonin content actually multiply. The athletes feel more relaxed in a room containing lots of Negative Ions.Fortunately, despite bearing a negative appendage to its name, free electrons have no negative impact on their new occupancy. It is precisely because of the pleasure of bonding that, the bacteria in the air who have a positive charge to lose the chance of life. In other words, negative ions are able to stop bacterial activity as well as send it to the afterlife. So the chicken in the first group can survive in good health wal afiat. Negative ions are easily found in places where the colliding water jets fall (10,000-14,000 ions / cm3), fountains (4,000 ions / cm3) and rivers (400 ions / cm3). In those places there is a collision between water molecules so that negative ions run around and change their status to free electrons. These free electrons will bind to molecules in the air (oxygen and carbon dioxide) to form negative ions.Then, how the history of negative ions can make the body strong and fit? Negative ions are scattered in the air into our bodies through the way of respiratory and skin pores. Inside the body, the negative ion will be distributed by the bloodstream. One of its ability is to describe lactic acid causes fatigue into harmless substances in the form of water and lactate ions. In that form, lactic acid will be more easily brought to the final dump. If not removed, the feeling of stiffness will continue to be felt because lactic acid is confined within the cell. Negative ions can also increase the working of the spleen to produce immunity. With these capabilities, the body will be better able to deal with virus attacks. So, humans will rarely be exposed to flu or illness caused by other viruses. That is why Negative Ion or Anion is also called "Air Vitamin".

Some of the benefits of Negative Ion:Negative ions in the air can enter the human body through the breathing and pores of the skin. This ion enters all cells in the body by riding the flow of blood flow. Negative ions in the body can decompose lactic acid into harmless substances (water and lactate ions) that are easily transported by the bloodstream to the disposal (when the body is tired and tense, lactic acid in the body will be confined within the cells resulting in an ache- sore).

• In addition Negative Ion has the ability to increase the work of the spleen in producing immune. Automatic body is able to deal with various viruses that enter. Influenza and other viral illnesses come into the body.

• Can clean the air and also good for health. Negative ions are also useful in killing viruses and bacteria that are in the air around us. Among them negative ions can kill the bacteria E. Coli (K. H. Kingdon, 1960), Micrococcus Pyogenes and Influenza virus (A. P. Krueger, 1976). Both Kindon and Krueger use negative ion concentrations of 50,000-5,000,000 per cm3 in these experiments.On the other hand Negative Ions are also known to be useful for neutralizing Superoxide. Superoxide in the blood that actually serves to kill microorganisms in the human body, sometimes just the opposite can actually damage the cells in the body if concentration levels are too high (I. Fridovich, 1960). Whereas the presence of Negative Ion will be able to increase the number of enzymes SOD (superoxide dismutase) which serves to reduce levels of superoksida in blood. Negative ion concentration in several different environments:Ion-level environment *• Waterfall = 95,000 - 450,000• Mountains and forests are cool = 50,000 - 100,000• Green grass cover = 5,000 - 50,000• Urban = 100 - 2,000• Office space = 40 - 100• AC Space = 0 - 20 Sample CasesSample case.The pyramids in Egypt do have many mysteries. This time about the junk food left behind by visitors in the kings room where the mummies are stored. The garbage does not rot, just dries up. An animal carcass that happens to be inside is as dry as a mummy. The researchers who worked in the pyramid also felt his body was healthier and stronger, the stiff-linu was gone. What's inside the pyramid? We know, the process of decay occurs due to the activity of bacteria that describes the organic compounds in a material. Well, if the activity of these bacteria is stopped or restricted, an object will not rot.There are three environments that can stop bacterial activity. First, the environment with extreme temperatures. For example, very low temperatures in the poles or cooling spaces. Or the temperature is very high as in the volcanic crater. Second, in a vacuum of sorts in space. Third, in water containing a lot of sulfur (S). However, these three environmental conditions are not in the Egyptian pyramids. Then, what factors can stop bacterial activity in the pyramid, so they do not rot? Inquired had a search, the mystery was finally revealed. The reason is that many negative ions exist in the pyramid, especially in the king's room. The conclusion that negative ions as the culprits of all events in the pyramid are supported by a number of studies.An agricultural research institute in America for example, using chicken as the object of research. Chicken experiments were divided into two groups, each placed in a space containing bacteria. The first group space is entered by Negative Ion, while the second group space is left unharmed. After some time, the chicken in the first group remained healthy, while the chicken in the second group of klepek-klepek all died. Negative ions in the first group bind to bacteria in the air that tend to be positive. This formed bond causes the death of bacteria in the air so that the chicken remains healthy. In other words, Negative Ion can kill and stop bacterial activity.There are several ways to experience Negative Ion properties, for example, by walking around where many negative ions (eg, around waterfalls, fountains, rivers, forests, or parks), set up good air vents for air exchange a room with a new air containing negative ions or with a Negative Ionizer (a device that can emit Negative Ions), and can also shower using a shower (because the shower can also generate negative ions).After knowing let us realize how important Negative Ion to our health.

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