Benefits of herbal cabe puyang:
Eliminate cikalen, aches, and rheumatic in the body, especially aches in the waist.
Eliminate and avoid tingling, relieve cold body complaints or fever.
Body warmers.
Guardians of stamina so as not to get sick easily.
Reduce the risk of miscarriage if the drink in early pregnancy, but it will be bad if the drink in the period before delivery because it can inhibit contraction.
Efficacy of Java chili and the way of processing is as follows:
Strong medicine or clean the uterus after childbirth, prepare 3 g roots dried chili pepper, mashed until smooth, brewed with hot water and chill, drink 1 times a day.
Coughing, disturbed intercourse, bronchitis, epilepsy, fever after childbirth, strengthening lungs, stomach, and heart, dry 6 pieces of raw Java chilli, finely crushed, add a little water and drink with honey mixed.
Liver suffering from urus-urus, rhizome lempuyang pounded and squeezed water, mixed with 3 pieces of chili Java to be more efficacious, drink 2 times a day.
Toothache, a fruit that is dried or powdered into powdered Java powder into a tooth that is hollow or sore.
Heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, slimy nose, and headache, dried and powdered Java chili, mixed with boiled water and drunk 2 times a day.
Increase Sexual Passion, provide 30 grams of chili pepper made of powder, 3 boards of dried chili petai fruit, 2 eggs yolks, and 1 tablespoon honey. How to make it, stir the egg yolk, put the powdered chilli java and chinese petai flour, then add the honey, stirring until blended. Drink this herb every day to arouse sexual desire and appetite.
Overcome Weak Shahwat, prepare 25 grams of chilli powder, 15 grams pulosari powder, 1 clove garlic, 2 egg yolks, and 1 tbsp honey. Way, chilli Java, pulosari, and garlic pounded again until smooth while stirring. Next add the egg yolks and honey, stir again until blended. Drink every day regularly for a month.
Treating Lever Pain, especially irregular liver sufferers and dark green stools. The material used 3 grains of chilli Java, 1 finger lempuyang rhizome hand, and enough water. How to make, chilli java and lempuyang mixed, then pounded until smooth. Add a glass of water, then squeeze and strain. Once drank as much as 100 ml. When the bowel movement is smooth, consumption of the herb can be stopped.
Eliminate Pegal and Bloat, take 2 chillies of Java and 1 rhizome lempuyang. Wash thoroughly, then mash until smooth. Apply or stick the collision of material on the body part of the stiff or in the abdomen.
Exfoliate with Chilli Puyang, prepare 1 handful of dried chili pepper, 100 grams of lempuyang, 50 grams of kencur, 2 turmeric thumbs, 150 grams of rice, 75 grams of kawak acid, 0.5 kg brown sugar, 2 liters of water, and salt to taste . The first step, Javanese sugar, kawak acid, and water boiled until boiling, raised, then added salt while stirring evenly. Once cool, the water is filtered. The second step, lempuyang, turmeric, and kencur peeled, washed, and thinly sliced, then blended with chilli Java, rice, and a little boiled water. Once smooth, squeezed and filtered with a clean filter cloth. The filter results are then mixed into the brown sugar and kawak acid solution. Jamu ready to drink
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HERBADREAM SOLO : 085702118190
BalasHapusBagi rekan semua yang membutuhkan bahan baku herbal atau jamu dalam bentuk fresh/segar/basah, kering/simplisia, dan bubuk/powder untuk keperluan eksport/export, industry/manufaktur, dagang grosir ataupun ecer, salon kecantikan, klinik kesehatan, spa, apotek dan pharmachy/farmasi, penelitian kampus/universitas ataupun perusahaan meliputi bahan : Adas, akar alang-alang, akar pasak bumi, akar purwoceng, akar wangi, bengle/bangle, biji kedawung, biji mahoni, brotowali, bunga melati, cabe jawa, ceplikan/alba, ceplukan/ciplukan, daun bidara arab local, daun dewa, daun insulin, daun jati belanda, daun jati cina, daun jeruk purut, daun keji beling ngukilo, daun kelor, daun meniran, daun mimba, daun salam, daun sambungnyawa, daun sirsak, daun tempuyung, daun ungu, jahe emprit, jahe merah, jinten hitam local, kapulaga, kayu bidara laut, kayu legi/akar manis, kayu manis, kayu rapet, kayu secang, kayu sintok madu, kayu wolo, kencur, ketumbar, klabet/kelabet, klembak, kulit delima, kulit manggis, kumis kucing/remujung, kunir putih/kunyit putih, kunir/kunyit, lada hitam, lada putih/merica, lempuyang/puyang, lengkuas/laos, mahkota dewa, manjakani, mengkudu/pace, merica bolong/buah kayu putih, pegagan, pekak/bunga lawang/starseed, pulosari/pulowaras, rasukangin, rosella merah, rosella ungu, sambiloto, sarang semut, sereh, sirih hijau, tapak liman, temu giring, temu ireng/temu hitam, temu kunci/fingerroot, temu mangga, temu putih, temulawak, tribulus, dan widoro upas/bidara upas, dan lain-lain. Kami siap kirim ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia (jawa : Jakarta, bogor, depok, tangerang, bekasi bandung, solo dan lain-lain, sumatera, kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, irian jaya, bali, nusa tenggara barat dan nusa tenggara timur dan wilayah Indonesia lainnya) dan luar negeri. Bisa suplai kontiyu. Bisa menghubungi HERBADREAM yang berlokasi di SOLO dengan nomer 085702118190. Juga menyediakan bibit daun dewa, bibit sambungnyawa, bibit binahong, bibit yacon/yakon/insulin (tithonia diversifola)
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